List of Articles Indexed

Present to 1975



Kypast, Jan. French and Italian military missions in Těšínsko. p. 11.

Kunc, Lubor. Unknown postmark of Hungarian TPO 1939. p. 14.

Češelka, Miroslav. Muses of Max Švabinsk: part 4 -- Zuyana and bright memories. p. 15.

Wheatley, Yvonne. History of Czechoslovakia 1918-1992. p. 17.


Wheatley, Yvonne. Postcard written by a relative of Josef Rössler-Ořovský? p. 8.

Bosworth, Lindy. Sokol. p. 9.

Sevenhuijsen, Johan. Corrections in the Hradčany 'abstract design'. p. 15.

Kypast, Jan. Czechoslovak stamps at the Strumień post office - a discovery after 105 years? p. 17.

Duchoň, Tomáš. Karel Hujer: postcards from the realm of stars. p. 19.

Lauer, Robert. After-validity use of Hungarian stamps and postal stationery in Czechoslovakia, 1919-1920. p. 20.



Wilson, Mark. Translations of the first four volumes of the Monografie. p. 6.

Wilson, Mark. Detecting horizontal comb prforations on an isolated stamp. p. 7.

van Loo, Frans. Analysis of the bilingual postal cancellations in the German-Czech provinces of Austria-Humgary during the period 1867-1919: Part 1. p. 11.

Malovíc, Vladimír. Hauzr, Michal. Falcon in flight newspaper stamps: a catalogue of plate identifier. p. 21.

Sevenhuijsen, Johan. Startup problems for the Czechoslovakian post in 1919: Part 2. p. 22.


Wilson, Mark. Mystery finally solved. p. 6.

Češelka, Miroslav. Muses of Max Švabinský: part 1 -- allegories of the -- republic. p. 7.

van Loo, Frans. Analysis of the bilingual postal cancellations in the German-Czech provinces of Austria-Hungary during the period 1867-1919 -- part 2. p. 11.

Kunc, Lubor. Petr Bezruč. p. 19.

Morrell, Roger. Continued use of Slovak postage due stamps and postal stationery after WW II. p. 26.


Wheatley, Yvonne. 1943 exhibition of Czechoslovak stamps in London. p. 9.

Češelka, Miroslav. Muses of Max Švabinský: part 2 -- Eliška. p. 12.

Bosworth, Lindy. First republic airmails. p. 14.

Coulbourn, Joe. Czchoslovak perfin pattern W19: Waldes & Ko. p. 23.


Češelka, Miroslav. Muses of Max Švabinsk:, part 3 -- The wild woman & the poet’s muse. p. 9.

Wilson, Mark. Allegory stamps in booklet and coil formats. p. 11.

Holdsworth, Tony. Autopošta, an enduring idea. p. 20.



Taylor, Garth. Czechoslovak Hindenburg covers. p. 8.

Wheatley, Richard. Parcel Cards. p. 10.

McLeod, Bob. Aston Abbots. p. 15.

Norbjerg, Mogens. Czechoslovak plate flaws 1945-1992. p. 17.

Bosworth, Lindy. Bratislava tapestries. p. 19.


Kierstan, Wojeciech. Lidice 80 years ago. p. 7.

Lauer, Robert. Pošta Českoslovenslá 1919 forgery. p. 12.

Starman, Jerry. New York World's Fair Masaryk souvenir sheets. p. 15.

van Dooremalen, Hans. Post office in the Schwarzadlergasse, Brno. p. 16.

Beneš, František. Unissued President Ludvík Svoboda souvenir sheets. p. 21.


Taylor, Andy. Curious Czech cancel causes collector considerable consternation. p. 6.

Dixon, Rex A. Two-colour postmark in Heidelberg in 1948. p. 7.

Sevenhuijsen, Johan. Matrix method of producing printing plates. p. 10.

Taylor, Garth. Anton Cermak, mayor of Chicago. p. 12.

Bosworth, Lindy. Some unissued Czechoslovak stamp designs. p. 13.

van Dooremalen, Hans. Prisoner of war camp in Brno-Jundrov. p. 21.


Bosworth, Lindy. First Republic airmails – the pioneering years. p. 8.

Sevenhuijsen, Johan. Startup problems for the Czechoslovakian post in 1919: Part 1. p. 16.

Colbourne, Joe. Czech and Slovak Perfins. p. 23.



Williams, Peter. First open Zoom meeting. p. 8.

Wheatley, Yvonne. Colin Spong remembered. p. 9.

Wilson, Mark. Origin of the 20 and 25 haler holubice types. p. 10.

Toft, David. Dead letter office return delivery charges in the Protectorate of Bohemia & Moravia. p. 13.

Sevenhuijsen, Johan. Red Cross surcharged stamps 1920. p. 16.

Wilson, Mark. New POD titles. p. 21.

Bachratý, Miroslav. Slovakia 1938-1945. Postal history. p. 22.


Morrell, Roger. CPSGB Zoom meeting. p. 7.

Kunc, Lubor. PBCP Biennale 2020 Prague. p. 9.

Lővei, György. FIP Exhibition Budapest 2022. p. 11.

Hudson, Norman. Alfons Mucha at Zbiroh Castle, Bohemia, 1910. p. 12.

Bosworth, Lindy. Josef Herčík: Czech Engraver. p. 14.

Wilson, Mark. Matrix conyndrum. p. 21.


Wheatley, Yvonne. Colour changes in the Allegories. p. 7.

Hounsell, Reg. Post World War II Czechoslovak airmail (Part 1). p. 13.

Wilson, Mark. Old mystery solved by a new mystery. p. 17.


Češelka, Miroslav. Slovakia’s beauty captured by the engraver Karl Seizinger. p. 7.

Lauer, Robert. 400 haler Hradčany types and subtypes: a postscript. p. 10.

Hounsell, Reg. Post World War II Czechoslovak airmail (Part 2). p. 11.

Chudoba, Josef. Parcels sent abroad from Czechoslovakia between 1918 and 1921. p. 17.

Wilson, Mark. Recent research: the 125 haler TGM 1920. p. 22.



Wheatley, Yvonne. On the occasion of the 90th birthday of Colin W Spong. p. 6.

Wheatley, Yvonne. Report on the joint meeting with the APS. p. 7.

Wheatley, Richard. Czechoslovak censorship: the 'Steamboat'. p. 8.

Tovačvský, Oldřich. Kypast, Jan. Schödelbauer, Vladimír. Czechoslovak letter mail 1918-1939. p. 9.

Hammonds, John. From Monograph No, 19: the KLV camps. p. 11.

Liebermann, Hartmut. From the Austro-Hungarian Empire to an independent Czechoslovakia. p. 13.

Spong, Colin W. Abstracts of publications. p. 30.


Dixon, Rex A. Polish annexation of Teschen Silesia, 1938-1939: Zaolzie. p. 9.

Sevenhuijsen, Johan. Hradčany perforations. p. 11.

Sevenhuijsen, Johan. Hradčany perforations appendix: earliest found cancels. p. 15.

Wheatley, Richard. Liberation stamps and their usage. p. 17.

Spong, Colin W. Abstracts of publications. p. 30.


Kunc, Lubor. Melbourne-Czechoslovakia 1956 catastrophic mail. p. 7.

Lauer, Robert. 400 haler Hradčany" types and subtypes. p. 8.

Wheatley, Yvonne. Carpatho-Ukraine: a cholera letter. p. 13.

Moliš, Zeměk. Jubilee and charity issue of 1919. p. 22.

Sevenhuijsen, Johan. Wilson, Mark. Express stamps: a history. p. 25.


Morrell, Roger. Articles elsewhere. p. 2.

Wheatley, Yvonne. Rex Dixon. p. 6.

Furfie, Michael. Postage due in Slovakia 1939-1945. p. 7.

Marshall, Brian. Czechoslovak cartophilately. p. 15.

Keppel, Adrian. Czech engraver to the world: Bohumil Heinz. p. 19.

Wilson, Mark. Mucha express stamp series. p. 20.

Ryvola, Zdeněk. Legionářské study series. p. 22.



Wilson, Mark. Corrections to the description of the 300 haler Type II and III subtypes. p. 7.

Lauer, Robert. Sevenhuijsen, Johan. Hradčany postal stationery cards. p. 10.

Spong, Colin W. Abstracts of publications. p. 29.


Wheatley, Yvonne. Association of British Pilatelic Societies Award of Merit. p. 9.

Dixon, Rex A. How much to send a postcard from the Protectorate to Slovakia. p. 10.

Taylor, Andy. Your heller or mine? p. 13.

Wheatley, Yvonne. Currency reform. p. 15.

Moseley, Yony. Good news from Dobruška. p. 18.

CPSGB. Committee. Milan Rastislav Štefánik. p. 19.

Karásek, Jan. Michele, Antonín. Svoboda, Bohuslav. 1919-1920. The lost issues. p. 23.

Karásek, Jan. Žampach, František. Masaryk, the intaglio issues. p. 23.


Wheatley, Yvonne. On the occasion of the 90th birthday of Yvonne Gren. p. 10.

Morrell, Roger. CPSGB summer meeting at Hathern. p. 11.

Morrell, Roger. J Rudiš-Jičínský, A.M, M.D, M.E. p. 13.

Wewer, Heinz. German occupation of the Protectorate as a subject of social philately. p. 20.

Kašpar, Jiří. Kašpar, Martin. Dove Issue: a handbook for collectors. p. 22.

Moravec, Jaroslav. 15 haler Dove. p. 24.

Kašpar, Jiří. Moravec, Jaroslav. Kašpar, Martin. 25 haler Type I Dove. p. 24.

Spong, Colin W. Abstracts of publications. p. 29.


Bosworth, Lindy. Pages from my collection -- commercial advertising. p. 10.

Wilson, Mark. Fly fishing in a philatelic pool. p. 19.

van Dooremalen, Hans. Czech national philatelic exhibition, Liberec 2019. p. 29.



Tekel, Andrej. Czechoslovak airmail rates Part II: Central America and the Caribbean via New York. p. 2.

Wilson, Mark. Fates of the children from Lidice and Ležáky. p. 8.

Spong, Colin W. Abstracts of publications. p. 10.

Furfie, Michael. Your heller or mine? p. 11.

Kunc, Lubor. PRAGA 1955 connection to the CPSGB. p. 22.


Tekel, Andrej. Czechoslovak airmail rates Part III: Middle and Far East. p. 2.

Beith, Richard. Czechoslovak forces in the United Kingdom from 1940. p. 8.

Sevenhuijsen, Johan. Wilson, Mark. Hradčany: a technical history. p. 8.

Spong, Colin W. Abstracts of publications. p. 10.

Kierstan, Wojciech. Forgeries of the Czech Scout issue: a simple guide. p. 11.

Soble, Alan. Removal of Czech markings from postal cancellers in the Slovak State. p. 13.


Castle, Roger. Gillard, Ron. Wheatley, Yvonne. Impressions of Praga 2018. p. 9.

Spong, Colin W. Abstracts of publications. p. 11.

Keppel, Adrian. Miloš Ondráček. p. 17.

Beith, Richard. General Heliodor Pika. p. 23.


Spong, Colin W. Abstracts of publications. p. 11.

Tekel, Andrej. Czechoslovak airmail rates Part IV:Africa. p. 12.

Beith, Richard. Additions to monograph 27. p. 18.

Beith, Richard. Story behind two covers. p. 20.



Dixon, Rex A. Slovak State inland postal rates: Part II. p. 2.

Verner, Jaroslav J. Pošta čs. vojsk v Rusku 1914-20. p. 7.

Spong, Colin W. Abstracts of publications. p. 8.

Bailey, Mark. Czechoslovakia at EXPO '58, Brussels. p. 9.

Beith, Richard. Dixon, Rex A. Sir Nicholas Winton. p. 13.

Dixon, Rex A. Slovak State inland mail exemplars. p. 14.

Morrell, Roger. Interpreting a substitute parcel card and customs charge label. p. 19.

Beith, Richard. The story behind the stamp. p. 22.


Dixon, Rex A. Slovak State foreign postal rates: Part I. p. 2.

Spong, Colin W. Abstracts of publications. p. 10.

Mrňák, Jan. Pošta Československá 1919. p. 11.

Wilson, Mark. Czech Republic stamp booklets. p. 19.

Wheatley, Richard. Bill Dawson lecture 2017. p. 22.

Dixon, Rex A. Slovak State foreign mail exemplars: Part I. p. 23.


Dixon, Rex A. Slovak State foreign postal rates: Part II. p. 2.

Spong, Colin W. Abstracts of publications. p. 9.

Wilson, Mark. Cheating the post office -- five Czech Republic forgeries. p. 10.

Sevenhuijsen, Johan. Parcel card labels. p. 15.

Dixon, Rex A. Slovak State foreign mail exemplars: Part II. p. 23.


Tekel, Andrej. Czechoslovak airmail rates Part I: Europe. p. 2.

Spong, Colin W. Abstracts of publications. p. 9.

Moseley, Tony. Heydrichiada 1942-2017. p. 11.

Sevenhuijsen, Johan. Wilson, Mark. Hradčany tête-bêche enigma -- Solved? p. 19.

Sevenhuijsen, Johan. Wilson, Mark. Recent Hradčany tête-bêche parcel card fabrication. p. 26.



Watson, Alexander. Ring of steel. p. 7.

van Dooremalen, Hans. War hospitals in Brünn during the great war. p. 7.

Kubát, František. Hradčany. p. 8.

Dubyniak, Roman. Cybaniak, Peter. Czechoslovak army In Ukraine 1914-1920 (Book 1). p. 9.

Spong, Colin W. Abstracts of publications. p. 10.

Wheatley, Yvonne. Survey on varieties of the Allegory issues. p. 11.

Wilson, Mark. Czech Graphics Union's typographic technologies and practices as revealed by first republic stamps. p. 12.

Beith, Richard. Airmail from Bohemia & Moravia and the Slovak State to the USA via LATI and South America, 1940-1941. p. 13.

Williams, Peter. What is on the reverse of the České Budějovice liberation overprints? p. 23.

Norbjerg, Mogens. Danish Society: Tjekkoslovakiet Samlerne Danmark. p. 24.


Williams, Peter. Society weekend in Worthing 2016. p. 5.

Spong, Colin W. Abstracts of publications. p. 8.

Černý, Karel. Men of the London issue. p. 9.

Wilson, Mark. Masaryk linden leaf issues. p. 15.

Fraser, Edward. Update on WW II Thomas Cook undercover mail scheme address: box 601, Amsterdam, Holland. p. 21.

Baron, Derek. Moravská brigáda -- the Moravian brigade. p. 21.


Wilson, Mark. Abstract design [plating guides]. p. 9.

Wilson, Mark. Captioned design [plating guides]. p. 9.

Spong, Colin W. Abstracts of publications. p. 10.

Lauer, Robert. Sevenhuijsen, Johan. Usage of Hungarian stamps and postal stationery in early Czechoslovakia. p. 11.

Morrell, Roger. Two Masaryk postcards. p. 18.

Wheatley, Yvonne. Men of the London issue. p. 21.


Wilson, Mark. Abstract design [plating guides]. p. 9.

Bundesarbeitsgemeinschaft Tschechoslowakei. New specialized Slovak postal stationery catalogue. p. 10.

Spong, Colin W. Abstracts of publications. p. 11.

Sevenhuijsen, Johan. Use of Czechoslovak stamps in Hungary. p. 12.

Wheatley, Yvonne. Disinfected mail. p. 16.

Wilson, Mark. Exotic Hradčany type. p. 23.

Walker, Derek. War heroes memorials. p. 25.



Wilson, Mark. Mucha express stamps: 2 haler. p. 6.

Spong, Colin W. Abstracts of publications. p. 7.

Wheatley, Yvonne. District court reply cards. p. 8.

van Dooremalen, Hans. Uses of the express stamp. p. 10.

Wilson, Mark. Mucha's express stamps. p. 14.

Beith, Richard. One man's war: Colonel Frank (František) Kaplan, 1921-2013". p. 20.

Munzberger, Vladimir. Kunc, Lubor. Ten years of Exponet. p. 23.


Spong, Colin W. Abstracts of publications. p. 7.

Morrell, Roger. Some odd goings on in 1852. p. 8.

Kunc, Lubor. Postala couriers travelling between Paris and Prague. p. 16.


Spong, Colin W. Abstracts of publications. p. 8.

Beith, Richard. Free Czechoslovak forces in France 1939-40. p. 9.

Beith, Richard. Czechoslovak independent armoured brigade in France and their return home, 1944-1945. p. 9.

Griffins, Felicity. Vogel, Heinz. Sir Nicholas Winton. p. 11.

Wilson, Mark. 25 haler Dove. p. 15.

Sevenhuijsen, Johan. Nationalized circular date stamps in early Czechoslovakia. p. 17.

Hooper, James. Postal stationery inland cards from 1922. p. 19.


Parker, David. European stamp issues of the second world war. p. 9.

Wilson, Mark. Captioned design [plating guides]. p. 9.

Wilson, Mark. The blue 5 haler dove: propagation of the original second negative flaws in the blue dove plates. p. 10.

Wilson, Mark. The blue 5 haler dove: Plates I-III, XI-XIV. p. 10.

Wilson, Mark. Mucha express stamps: 5 haler. p. 10.

Kvasniček, Zdeněk. Czechoslovak post office names. p. 10.

Spong, Colin W. Abstracts of publications. p. 11.

Morrell, Roger. 1908 Prague jubilee exhibition. p. 12.



Dražan, Vladimír. Extraordinary cover from the 1953 Czechoslovak currency reform. p. 5.

Kunc, Lubor. Tricky cancels of the Czechoslovak Field Post in Great Britain. p. 7.

Brandon, Keith. Misdirected mail from the future Czechoslovakia. p. 13.

Wheatley, Richard. Varities on the War Hero Stamps. p. 16.

Kierstan, Wojiech. First day cover from Lidice. p. 17.

Wheatley, Richard. Czechoslovak mail to Austria after World War II. p. 17.

Walker, Derek. Easter card from a Russian family to a prisoner of war, Theresienstadt 1917. p. 18.

Baron, Derek. Early railway delivery. p. 19.

Spong, Colin W. Abstracts of publications. p. 29.

Chvalovský, Josef. Kašpar, Jiří. Chainbreaker. p. 30.


Hollis, Ron. Zdeněk Prokop. p. 5.

Kralicek, Vladimir J. Gerald van Zanten. p. 5.

Wilson, Mark. Circles design [and its plating guides]. p. 7.

Spong, Colin W. Abstracts of publications. p. 8.

Taylor, Garth A (Dr). At last it's found. p. 10.

Pring, Dai. Moravský Kras and Macocha Abyss. p. 11.

Liebermann, Hartmut. Commemorative postmarks of German origin used after the end of WW II. p. 13.

Moseley, Tony. German occupation of the Sudetenland - Häyda. p. 15.

Beith, Richard. Undercover addresses for free Czechoslovak forces in the UK during World War II. p. 16.

Morrell, Roger. Austro-Hungarian censorship of civilian mail in the Czech and Slovak lands during World War One. p. 17.

van Dooremalen, Hans. Three-colour franking. p. 18.

Kunc, Lubor. Tricky cancels of the Czechoslovak Field Post in Great Britain. p. 19.


Bitton, Miloslav. Narrow escapes! p. 5.

Spong, Colin W. Abstracts of publications. p. 6.

Kramer, Valerie. Cats on Czechoslovak stamps. p. 11.

Liebermann, Hartmut. From the Kiggdom of Bohemia to the Czechoslovak Republic 1198-1920. p. 16.

Sevenhuijsen, Johan. Rare backwater. p. 18.

Dixon, Rex A. Children's evacuation camps in Bohemia & Moravia. p. 20.


Beith, Richard. Czechoslovak forces in France, 1939-1940. p. 8.

Beith, Richard. Czechoslovak independent armoured brigades in France and their return home. p. 8.

Wilson, Mark. Captioned design [plating guides]. p. 8.

Spong, Colin W. Abstracts of publications. p. 9.

Morrell, Roger. Field post exhibition at Prague Postal Museum. p. 10.

Pring, Dai. Perfin stamps with special reference to the present-day territory of the Czech Republic. p. 12.

Hounsell, Reginald. 1920 President Masaryk issue. p. 18.



Wilson, Mark. Editorial: changes to Czechout. p. 3.

Spong, Colin W. Kingsley, Robert. p. 4.

Wilson, Mark. Exciting news: website index to Czechout. p. 7.

Spong, Colin W. Abstracts of publications. p. 8.

Sholz, Hans-Dieter. Bibilderter Katalog der Gelegenheits- und Sonderpostä in Österreich. p. 10.

Williams, Peter G. What's on your bookshelf? p. 11.

Wilson, Mark. 1923 Agriculture and Science Issue: an update to the 300h type III section. p. 12.

Wilson, Mark. 1923 Agriculture and Science Issue: dispelling the type IV myth. p. 13.

Kobelbauer, Helmut. Czechoslovak field post in Sub-Carpathia in 1919 and 1920. p. 14.

van Dooremalen, Hans. Story of the first Dutch language handbook. p. 19.

Furfie, Michael. Some Slovakian postage due topics: 1939-1945. p. 20.

Ore, Tonnes. Use of Czechoslovak stamps in Hungary. p. 25.


Beith, Richard. Spong, Colin W. Hornung, Otto. p. 5.

Gren, Yvonne. Wackett, Cyril. p. 7.

Spong, Colin W. Abstracts of publications. p. 9.

Wilson, Mark. Extraordinary issue: the Mucha newspaper stamps. p. 11.

Ziegeler, Clyde. Sample mail. p. 17.

Dixon, Rex A. Qvale, Henning. Hudson, Norman. More on the Tatra lake mystery. p. 18.

van Dooremalen, Hans. 1914 Sokol festival in Brno. p. 20.

Sevenhuijsen, Johan. Soble, Alan. Hungarian names used in Slovak cancels. p. 22.

Holoubek, Karel. Tiesinga, Andries T. Compendium of 1944-1945 liberation overprints. p. 25.


Dixon, Rex A. Society weekend in Worthing 2013. p. 6.

Spong, Colin W. Abstracts of publications. p. 10.

Karásek, Jan. Dove. p. 11.

Žampach, František. Agriculture and Science 1920. p. 11.

Žampach, František. Agriculture and Science 1923. p. 11.

Hedley, Bill. Morrell, Roger. Solution to the problem of the [R in circle] cachet. p. 12.

Beith, Richard. Stamps of the Wallachian pigeon post. p. 16.

Vogel, Heinz. Vogels' escape from Ostrava. p. 19.


Wilson, Mark. 5 Haler dove: a preliminary history. p. 7.

Wilson, Mark. Blue 5 haler dove: from the first negative, plates I and II. p. 7.

Spong, Colin W. Abstracts of publications. p. 8.

Morrell, Roger. Society's sixtieth anniversary celebrations. p. 9.

Sevenhuijsen, Johan. Ustron - Ustroń - Ustroň. p. 15.

Lővei, György. Sixtieth anniversarry of the 1953 monetary reform. p. 18.



Wilson, Mark. Czechoslovak and Czech Republic stamps illustrated. p. 2.

Ryan, Tim. London 1943. p. 3.

Stefek, Miroslav. Kypast, Jan. Československo 1918-1939 E catalogue. p. 3.

Hudson, Norman. Vaclav Havel 1936-2011. p. 5.

Morrell, Roger. Lost Czech packet. p. 8.

Spong, Colin W. Abstracts of publications. p. 10.

Moseley, Tony. German cancels from Ustí nad Labem. p. 10.

Gren, Yvonne. Life and times of Kathleen F Goodman. p. 13.

Hill, Robert J. American liberation of Czechoslovakia 1945. p. 14.


Stanley Gibbons catalogue part 5, 2012. p. 25.

Spong, Colin W. Abstracts of publications. p. 26.

Spong, Colin W. Gren, Fryderyk. p. 29.

Kypast, Jan. Dixon, Rex A. SO 1920 stamps used in the Hlučínsko Region. p. 30.

Hollis, Ronald. Jindřichův Hradec commemorative sheet: Prague Spring fair 1940. p. 31.

Buxton, Maurice. Refused insured letters. p. 32.

Kellogg, Jim. Reinhard Heydrich sheets. p. 33.

Moseley, Tony. Harance issue: provisional overprinted postage due stamp 1940. p. 34.

Wilson, Mark. Agriculture and science issue. p. 35.

Moseley, Tony. Dolní Domašov to Nieder Thomasdorf correspondence. p. 36.


Moseley, Tony. Philatelic research is now much easier. p. 48.

Spong, Colin W. Abstracts of publications. p. 51.

Spong, Colin W. Holt, David. p. 53.

Beith, Richard. Free Czechoslovak airmen in the Bahamas. p. 54.

Wheatley, Yvonne. De la Rue collection: banknote control stamps. p. 57.

Taylor, Andy. Romans before lunch, Arabs afterwards. p. 62.

Moseley, Tony. East Silesia occupation of October 1938. p. 65.


Wilson, Mark. Editorial. p. 74.

Holoubek, Karel. Compendium of 1944-1945 liberation overprints. p. 74.

Beith, Richard. Perth 2012. p. 75.

Walker, Derek. Postex 2012. p. 76.

Spong, Colin W. Abstracts of publications. p. 79.

Muir, Douglas N. Returned from Czechoslovakia. p. 80.

Hoggarth, Norman. Shipwrecked mail to Czechoslovakia. p. 90.

Hoffmann, Peter. Peter’s page of Czech stamps 1918–1939. p. 92.



Moseley, Tony. Centenary celebrations of Kašpar's flight. p. 2.

Capricorn Publications. Morrison, Kenny. Czechoslovak independent armoured brigade. p. 4.

Moseley, Tony. Marijka the unfaithful 1934; DVD, directed by V.Vančura. p. 5.

Spong, Colin W. Publications. p. 6.

Hollis, Ronald. Tourist exhibition in Prague, May 1941. p. 7.

Morrell, Roger. Adjunct to Lubor Kunc's article on selected personalities and buildings. p. 10.

Moseley, Tony. Cover from Brno to Sudetenland 1938. p. 12.

Hill, Robert J. 1938 Sokol slet, stadium plan. p. 13.

Moseley, Tony. Barcode R label 530 Pardubice 1. p. 14.


Holoubek, Karel. Seznam revolučních pretisku 1944-1945 – List of revolutionary overprints. p. 26.

Holoubek, Karel. Seznam Revolučních Pretisku 1944-1945 – List of revolutionary overprints. p. 26.

Martin, John. Mirror caught the sun: operation anthropoid 1942. p. 26.

Spong, Colin W. Publications. p. 28.

Holoubek, Karel. Valašské Meziříčí. p. 29.

Moseley, Tony. Postcard from Boryslaw during Sudetenland crisis. p. 35.

Moseley, Tony. 100 year celebrations of the long distance flight by Jan Kašpar. p. 37.


Hickey, Tony. Society weekend in York 2011. p. 48.

Spong, Colin W. Whiteside, John Leonard. p. 51.

Spong, Colin W. Publications. p. 52.

Klein, Hans. Stolen rarities. p. 55.

Holoubek, Karel. Horní Bříza. p. 57.

Taylor, Garth A (Dr). Czechoslovak grand prix. p. 59.

Moseley, Tony. Day the Russians arrived - 8 May 1945 Německý Brod. p. 63.


Spong, Colin W. Publications. p. 72.

Brinson, Charmain. Kaczynski, William. Fleeing from the Führer. p. 73.

Holoubek, Karel. Seznam Revolučních Pretisku 1944-1945 – List of revolutionary overprints. p. 74.

Moseley, Tony. 100 let aviatiky v čechách. p. 75.

Hill, Robert J. First Czech-Slovak philatelic exhibition at Vysoké Mýto 2011. p. 75.

Wheatley, Richard. UNRRA 558. p. 77.

Spong, Colin W. How did we get to monographs? p. 78.

Moseley, Tony. Sudetenland rural post office. p. 80.



Landsmann, Horst. German civil censorship during WWII. p. 3.

Hart, Brian. Hero and Leander. p. 3.

Hammonds, John N. Hollis, Ronald. Bohemia and Moravia: a collector’s notebook. p. 4.

Bullock, David. Czech Legion 1914-20. p. 4.

Wilson, Mark. 21st century index to the Czechoslovak Specialist. p. 5.

Spong, Colin W. Publications. p. 5.

Kunc, Lubor. Small WWII mystery. p. 7.

Holt, David. Slovak army: 1939-1945. p. 9.

Moseley, Tony. HAYDA Austrian cancel used in the Sudetenland 1938. p. 17.

Post Office Box 506 enclosure slips. p. 19.

Hollis, Ronald. Antonín Dvořák exhibit. p. 22.


Bosworth, Lindy. Munich international stamp fair. p. 33.

Spong, Colin W. 2010 Festival of stamps dinner. p. 34.

Spong, Colin W. Publications. p. 37.

Kunc, Lubor. New Czech forgery: forgery of Czechoslovak temporary newspaper stamp and field post cancellation. p. 38.

Moseley, Tony. Reichenberg and Mattersdorf overprints, let the buyer beware. p. 40.

Williams, Bernard. Art on Czechoslovak stamps. p. 43.

Pring, John David. Vyšehrad - symbol of Czech identity. p. 44.

Kunc, Lubor. Military parcels to exotic countries. p. 46.

Reader, Roy E. ČSR overprints on French stamps. p. 47.


Pytlíček, Ludvik. Nejvzácnější československé pošovní známky (Rarest Czechoslovak Stamps). p. 65.

Spong, Colin W. Publications. p. 67.

Moseley, Tony. Zlatá přilba(Golden Helmet). p. 69.

Tschimer, Thomas. Look at the end of railway mail in Slovakia. p. 79.

Hart, Brian. Women and art paintings by Alfons Mucha. p. 83.

Wilson, Mark. First Hradčany stamp and common die for the captioned design. p. 84.


Kašpar, Jiří. Kašpar, Martin. The Holubice series. p. 23.


Novák, Josef. My struggle for freedom. p. 96.

Spong, Colin W. Publications. p. 98.

Beith, Richard. Slavkou u Brna/Austerlitz. p. 100.

Kunc, Lubor. Selected personalities and buildings of WWI. p. 101.

Hollis, Ronald. Collectors fair Prague 2010. p. 111.

Whitewater, Carl. Highland heroes. p. 112.

Holoubek, Karel. Frýdek 1. p. 113.



Kunc, Lubor. Czech philately on line. p. 3.

Walker, Derek. Sachsenhausen Camp World War II. p. 3.

Polak, Tomas. Casemate’s squadron histories. p. 4.

Czechs in the RAF in Focus. p. 4.

Spong, Colin W. Publications. p. 5.

Fraser, Edward. Undercover mail. p. 7.

Kay, George K. Negus, Ron. Polish exile mail in Great Britain 1939-1949. p. 7.

Fraser, Edward. World War II Thomas Cook undercover mail service between Canada and Norway. p. 8.

Kunc, Lubor. Football and philately: a dangerous mixture. p. 14.

Bradford, Robert. Request: Czech gardeners in France. p. 21.

Holt, David. Trying to understand the circled R. p. 22.

Whiteside, John L. Czech currency. p. 24.


Spong, Colin W. Publications. p. 25.

Janik, Břetislav. Czech dead letter office. p. 37.

Liebermann, Hartmut. Football and philately: a dangerous mixture! p. 38.

Chant, Michael. French miniature sheet featuring Prague. p. 38.

Moseley, Tony. Compact disc review. p. 39.

Rickenback, Peter C. British Legion volunteer police force September/October 1938. p. 40.

Moseley, Tony. Czechoslovakia 1938. p. 44.

Exner, Oskar. Monument to parachutists to be unveiled. p. 44.

Holt, David. Slovak army: 1939-1945. p. 46.

Fraser, Edward. Undercover mail - box 601. p. 57.

Moseley, Tony. 90 Years celebration of the Czech postal service special registration labels. p. 58.


Spong, Colin W. Report of the Society weekend 2009 Perth. p. 64.

Benford, Mervyn. Czech postal agencies. p. 67.

Spong, Colin W. Publications. p. 69.

Holt, David. Slovak army: 1939-1945. p. 70.

Aksamit, Pavel. Monografie československých a českých známek a poštovni historie. p. 71.

Wheatley, Yvonne. Card of interest: Hradčany replica. p. 76.

Filipek, Zdeněk. SO 1920. p. 77.

Fraser, Edward. Undercover mail - box 252. p. 78.

Holt, David. Who is František Nojman? p. 81.

Hudson, Norman. 70th Anniversary of Carpatho-Ukraine independence. p. 82.


Šárová, Ivan. Hill, Robert J. TGM 1923. p. 93.

Spong, Colin W. Publications. p. 94.

Fraser, Edward. Undercover mail - box 506. p. 96.

Večerek, Oldřich. Small WWII mystery. p. 98.

Backeljauw, Frederik D A. Postal museum at Banská Bystrica. p. 99.

Pring, John David. Stamps of the first republic: the High Tatras. p. 101.



Gren, Yvonne. Display: my favorites. p. 2.

Spong, Colin W. Publications. p. 4.

van Dooremalen, Hans. Czechoslovakia at Postex 2007. p. 5.

Morrell, Roger. Break-up of Austria-Hungary. p. 7.

Holoubek, Karel. Plzeň 1945. p. 16.


Pizer, Robin. Mail between Czechoslovakia and Germany display. p. 32.

Spong, Colin W. Publications. p. 34.

Spong, Colin W. Negus, James William. p. 35.

Vinokurov, Ardalion. Epštein, Alexander. Fieldpost in Russia 1914-1918. p. 36.

Černý, Karel. Men of the London issue. p. 37.

Frommer, Benjamin. Hill, Robert J. National cleansing: retribution against Nazi collaborators in post war Czechoslovakia. p. 37.

Holoubek, Karel. Plzeň 1945 postcards and photographs. p. 38.

Pring, John David. St Cyril and St Methodius - brothers and apostles of the Slavs. p. 41.

Horne, J Barry. Cover story: Austrian stamps bisected to make up the 20h rate. p. 42.

Šablatúra, Svätopluk. Forgeries of Slovak state covers. p. 44.

Hopson, Susan. Kunc, Lubor. Wolf v the German shepard. p. 45.

Pizer, Robin. Czech treatment of underpaid German mail. p. 46.

Pizer, Robin. Interesting exchange control story. p. 49.


Taylor, Garth A (Dr). Display: Third issue of Czechoslovakian airmails 1930-1939. p. 60.

Taylor, Garth A (Dr). Display: Postal history of Brno/Brünn. p. 61.

Hounsell, Reginald. Display: Czechoslovakian airmails. p. 61.

Taylor, Garth A (Dr). Brno display. p. 61.

Spong, Colin W. Publications. p. 64.

Kunc, Lubor. Langhammer, Miloslav. p. 65.

Williams, Peter G. Stevens, John. p. 65.

Brown, Martin David. Dealing with democrats, the British Foreign Office and the Czechoslovak émigrés in Great Britain 1939-1945. p. 66.

Yekelchyk, Serhy. Ukraine, the birth of a modern nation. p. 67.

Doležalová, Jarmila. Doležalová, Michaela. Křižovatky času – Ležáky v datech (The village of Ležáky). p. 67.

Králiček, Vladimír J. Czechoslovak army in Great Britain and the first regular daily canceller. p. 69.

Holoubek, Karel. Hill, Robert J. East Bohemian overprint. p. 72.


Taylor, Garth A (Dr). Praga 2008. p. 92.

Hudson, Norman. Exhibition at the Czech Embassy, London. p. 93.

Hedley, Bill. Postal history of Pressburg/Pozsony to 1919 display. p. 94.

Spong, Colin W. Publications. p. 97.

Hana, G. Markus, Vladimir. p. 98.

Cornwall, Mark. Evans, R J W. Czechoslovakia in a nationalist and fascist Europe 1918-1948. p. 99.

Králiček, Vladimír J. Czechoslovak army field post and the BBC. p. 100.

Hounsell, Reginald. Holešovice disaster. p. 103.

Holt, David. Slovak army: 1939-1945. p. 104.

Fraser, Edward. Undercover mail. p. 112.



Beith, Richard. Czechoslovak independent brigade in Great Britain and their return home 1940-1945. p. 2.

Spong, Colin W. Publications. p. 4.

Wilson, Mark. Typographic stamps of Czechoslovakia. p. 4.

Entwistle, Charles. Undercover addresses of World War II (3rd Edition). p. 6.

Cermak, Vlidimir. Ramisch, Herbert. Rázga, Juraj. Professional stamp lexicon. p. 6.

Irra, Miroslav. Matoulek, Jaraslov. Matoulek, Stanislav. Lee, Ernie. Czechoslovak air force 1945-1957. p. 6.

Sanders, Pierre. After Versailles: Plebiscite stamps. p. 8.

Hill, Robert J. Methods of printing. p. 17.

Müller, Werner. Compulsory tax stamps for picture postcards 1939-45. p. 22.

Boyes, Robert. Picture postcards: Czechoslovakia and the Nazis. p. 24.


Day, Brian C. National exhibition of postage stamps 2007 in Hradec Králové. p. 36.

Spong, Colin W. Publications. p. 38.

van Riet, W. First multicolour cancellations. p. 41.

Pring, John David. More than just a flower. p. 43.

Krizik, (Frans) Frantisek electronics engineer. p. 43.

Hill, Robert J. Liberation of Praha Břevnov (Praha 51) in May 1945. p. 44.

Králiček, Vladimír J. Did the Czechoslovaks have a navy during WWII? p. 46.

Day, Brian C. Czechoslovak workers' gymnastic organizations. p. 48.


Hanacek, Gerhard. Czechoslovakia 1920-1923: the five typographic issues. p. 65.

Spong, Colin W. Publications. p. 67.

Entwistle, Charles. Undercover addresses of World War II (3rd Edition). p. 70.

Dubyniak, Roman. Cybaniak, Peter. Czechoslovak army In Ukraine 1914-1920 (Book 1). p. 70.

Baxter, Douglas D. Bautzen (Budyšin). p. 70.

Day, Brian C. Interesting covers: Jiří Mucha. p. 71.

Hill, Robert J. Vildštejn issue of 1945. p. 78.

Just, Thomas. 650 years of the golden bull. p. 84.


Hounsell, Reginald. Postex 2007 Apeldoorn. p. 94.

Spong, Colin W. Publications. p. 96.

Verleg, Jan. Carpatho Ukraine postal history and stamps 1786-2000. p. 98.

Backeljauw, Frederik D A. First multicolour cancellations. p. 99.

Morrell, Roger. Postcards and politics. p. 103.

Kelly, Helen G. Tuason, Vicente. Hill, Robert J. Husák, J. Universal Postal Union [during and following World War II]. p. 104.

Kunc, Lubor. Communist authority to support anti-war movement. p. 119.

Horne, J Barry. Josef Herčík Engraving. p. 120.



Spong, Colin W. Publications. p. 3.

Beith, Richard. Czech forces in Great Britain in 1917. p. 5.

McQueen, Ian. Cover of interest: From Saigon to Prague. p. 6.

Kunc, Lubor. Austrian issues of 1916/1919. p. 7.

Plachetka, Jan. Stamp of the year competition. p. 15.

Horne, J Barry. USA-Czech relief labels. p. 18.

Hammonds, John N. Second World War leaflets. p. 22.

Whiteside, John L. Critique. p. 25.


Spong, Colin W. Publications. p. 37.

Day, Brian C. Calendar of young defenders of the nation 1938. p. 41.

Schild, Georges. Polish prisoners of war in Slovakia. p. 47.

Hill, Robert J. Praha Modřany. p. 50.

Pring, John David. Brno cathedral 1928 and 1929. p. 52.

Šablatúra, Svätopluk. New discovery after 60 years. p. 53.


Spong, Colin W. Publications. p. 63.

Blasé, C H. Morovics, Tomáš. Bohemia poster stamps. p. 68.

Gebauer, Petr. Tekeľ, Jozef. Dixon, Rex A. České a Slovenské postovné (1900-1958) Czech and Slovak Postal Agencies. p. 68.

Spong, Colin W. Postcard of interest: Kutná Hora. p. 69.

Hudson, Norman. Stanley Gibbons catalogue: amendments suggested. p. 70.

Vostatek, Miroslav (Dr). Czechoslovak field post office in Great Britain during World War II. p. 71.

Králiček, Vladimír J. Leaflet re Czechoslovak forces in Great Britain in 1917. p. 72.

Pring, John David. J.A.Comenius, 1592-1670. p. 73.

Taylor, Garth A (Dr). Labels. p. 74.

Hill, Robert J. Hradčany issue. p. 75.

Plachetka, Jan. Who is going to win in Vancouver? p. 75.

Králiček, Vladimír J. Czech army in exile - UK censor marks. p. 78.


Černik, Milan. Exponet permanent international non-competitive exhibits. p. 92.

Spong, Colin W. Publications. p. 93.

Hill, Robert J. Postal arrangements following the liberation of Prague in May 1945. p. 95.

Molnár, Miklós. Concise history of Hungary. p. 96.

Moseley, Tony. Postcards of interest: propaganda. p. 97.

Morrison, Kenny. Czech forces in Russia - two World War I POW cards. p. 99.



Kunc, Lubor. Letters to the editor: National Gallery. p. 3.

Spong, Colin W. Publications. p. 4.

Bradford, Robert. Hradčany issue 1918-1920. p. 5.

Brendl, Lumír. Petr Ginz's drawing on a Czech postage stamp. p. 6.

Plachetka, Jan. Forgeries in the museum. p. 7.

Tomandl, Jaroslav. Battle cruisers under the Czech flag. p. 8.

Day, Brian C. Covers of interest: Sokol. p. 13.

Hornung, Otto. Covers of interest Romanian occupation. p. 14.

Tekeľ, Andrej. Airmails from the 1930s: airmails to Africa. p. 15.


Moseley, Tony. Brno 2005. p. 28.

Dixon, Rex A. Brno 2005. p. 29.

Spong, Colin W. Publications. p. 30.

Tobitt, Colin. Taylor, Andy. Pneumatic post in Vienna. p. 31.

McLeod, Robert. Aston Abbots VE-Day weekend. p. 32.

Hornung, Otto. Issue of the commemorative postcard European Postage Stamp Exhibition Brno 2005: 200th anniversary of the battle of Austerlitz. p. 34.

And the sun of Austerlitz. p. 35.

Hill, Robert J. 2005 centenaries. p. 35.

Hill, Robert J. Czech and Slovak republics postal museums. p. 36.

Williams, Peter G. Looking forward. p. 37.

Day, Brian C. Postcard of interest; London Czech committee. p. 38.

Petrásek, Jaroslav. VIII international olympic congress Prague 1925. p. 39.

Hill, Robert J. Museum of military achievements. p. 45.

Pawlik, George. Baumgartner, Lother. Osterreichs Marine und Küste auf alten Post Karten. p. 45.

Plachetka, Jan. Bubak's Countryside winds by a wide margin. p. 46.

Pring, John David. The romantic poet Karel Hynek Macha (Machy 1810-1836). p. 47.

Brendl, Lumír. Czechs and Slovaks in exile in the 20th century. p. 48.

Moseley, Tony. Czechoslovak air mails from the 1930s - air mail to Africa. p. 50.


Dixon, Rex A. Report of the Society weekend. p. 60.

Moseley, Tony. Impressions of a summer weekend meeting. p. 62.

Spong, Colin W. Publications. p. 65.

Rees, Neil. Newsletter to émigré Czechs. p. 65.

Rees, Neil. Secret history of the Czech connection: the Czechoslovak government in exile in London and Buckinghamshire during the second world war. p. 67.

Hill, Robert J. Dawson, W A 29 July 1916-16 June 2005. p. 67.

Hill, Robert J. Titterton, Peter. Velké Meziříčí. p. 69.

Švejnar, Paval. Valuable items sent through the post in six tariff periods of the first Czechoslovak republic. p. 71.

Vostatek, Miroslav (Dr). Czechslovakak air force after 1918. p. 77.

Spong, Colin W. Interesting item from the Auber collection. p. 78.

Day, Brian C. Úprka, Jóža: painter and printmaker 1861-1940. p. 79.


Spong, Colin W. Publications. p. 93.

Beith, Richard. Postal history of the free Czechoslovak forces in Great Britain 1940-1945. p. 94.

Lütgens, Rainer E. Fremdarbelterpost. p. 94.

Vandervelde, Denis. Official document of interest. p. 96.

Kunc, Lubor. Austrian issues of 1916/1919. p. 97.

Dawson, William A. Official document of interest. p. 100.

Hill, Robert J. Lberation newspaper of interest. p. 101.

Ziegeler, Clyde. Cover of interest: sample mail. p. 101.

Hill, Robert J. Horvath, Savoy. Postcard of interest: liberation of Cheb. p. 102.

Whiteside, John L. Critique. p. 103.



Spong, Colin W. Publications. p. 3.

Rainer, Herwig. Stempel-Handbuch der K.u.K. Feldpost in Österreich-Ungarn 1914-1918 (Postmark handbook of K.u.K. fieldpost in Austria-Hungary 1914-18). p. 5.

Blasé, C H. Cinderella stamps of Bohemia and Czechoslovakia Part 1 Bohemia; Wehrschatz stamps. p. 6.

Nutley, Ian. Rare first day cover from Theresienstadt. p. 7.

Hill, Robert J. Postal events after the liberation of Kutná Hora May 1945 onwards. p. 8.

Müller, Werner. Priority Post. p. 14.

Gazda, Antonín. Hidden pictures (skrý vacky). p. 16.

Rizza, Salvatore J. German enclave of Southern Moravia. p. 21.


Markus, Manfred. Letters to the editor: TPOs in Austria and Switzerland. p. 34.

Vondra, Anne G. Letters to the editor: Specialist index. p. 34.

Faltin, Robert. Letters to the editor: Siberian legion website. p. 34.

Spong, Colin W. Publications. p. 35.

Beith, Richard. Letters to the editor: Dvořák. p. 35.

Unattributed. Letter to the Executive Committee of the Union of Czech Philatelists(SČF). p. 37.

Unattributed. Krzak, Rudolf, Major-General. p. 38.

Barling, Geoff. Postal rates of the Yugoslav territories. p. 39.

Český a Slovenský exil, 20 stoleti (Czechs and Slovaks in exile in 20th Century). p. 39.

National archives. p. 40.

Robinson, Les. Identification of a Hungarian military postcard franked with the first anniversary of liberation issue. p. 48.

Day, Brian C. Postcard of interest: Czechoslovak Catholic mission in France. p. 49.

Hill, Robert J. Chust. p. 50.

Morovics, Tomáš. Victory labels. p. 50.

Hill, Robert J. Praha Smichov. p. 51.

Hill, Robert J. Slovak area missing cancellers post World War II. p. 55.

Hill, Robert J. Official mail markings. p. 57.


Kunc, Lubor. Postal history of WW1. p. 65.

Spong, Colin W. Publications. p. 69.

Dubyniak, Roman. Lybaniak, Peter. Spong, Colin W. Postal history of Ukraine: Ukrainian legion postcards. p. 71.

McQueen, Ian. Folded business postcards. p. 73.

Kunc, Lubor. Postal museum in Budapest. p. 76.

Wheatley, Richard. Registration labels after ww2. p. 77.

Brindle, Michael P. Registration labels after WW2. p. 78.

Hill, Robert J. Andělská Hora v Slezku. p. 81.

Beith, Richard. What plane is that? Czechoslovak mystery from 1930. p. 82.


Spong, Colin W. Publications. p. 96.

Kunc, Lubor. Czech stamp. p. 96.

Hill, Robert J. Liberation of Olomouc. p. 97.

Palkoska, Vratislav. Hornung, Otto. Czechoslovak legion in Poland and in Russia 1939-41, and, Czechoslovaks in the Middle East 1940-43. p. 98.

Nutley, Ian. Sindelfingen 2004. p. 98.

Beith, Richard. Royal mail archive. p. 100.

Rauch, Walter J (Dr). Postal documents relating expulsion and resettling from the Czechoslovak Socialist Republic II in 1945/48. p. 101.

Hill, Robert J. Swedish postal museum. p. 109.

Kunc, Lubor. Stamp museum in Budapest. p. 109.

Králiček, Vladimír J. France May 1940 - carte lettre. p. 111.

Plachetka, Jan. Perforated champions: Czech stamps are amongst the best in the world. p. 112.

Hill, Robert J. Cover of interest: Horni Velkruby. p. 113.



Spong, Colin W. Publications. p. 3.

Kratochvíl, Jiří. Monografie československých a českých známek 20. p. 4.

Catchpole, Paul. Hill, Robert J. Steam and rail in Slovakia. p. 4.

Schödelbauer, Vladimir. Philatelic diary 2003. p. 5.

Morrison, Kenny. Czech legions in France and Italy. p. 7.

Bachertý, Mirko. German censor in Pressburg/Bratislava. p. 10.

Miskevich, John. German censorship in Bratislava. p. 12.

Whiteside, John L. Censorship of mail entering the German Reich 1939–1945. p. 16.

Riemer, Karl-Heinz. Office for checking foreign mail: Vienna. p. 17.


Spong, Colin W. Publications. p. 37.

Edge, Simon. Dubrava, Colonel Stefan. p. 39.

Nutley, Ian. Society Czech visit 2003 - Jihlava and Prague. p. 40.

Ministry of Posts and Telecommunications. Jubilujúci autori Jozef Balaž a Martin Činovský. p. 41.

Collectors of Czechoslovak Postage Stamps. Ocelotisk z plochých desek, poštovní známky a aršiky [Stamps and minisheets printed by recess from flat plates]. p. 41.

Bosworth, Lindy. From the chairman. p. 42.

Tschimer, Thomas. Czech railway post in the 1998/99 timetable. p. 48.

Day, Brian C. Covers of interest: Kay Goodman. p. 52.

Riemer, Karl-Heinz. Office for checking foreign mail: Vienna. p. 54.


Spong, Colin W. Publications. p. 70.

Hockman, Jiří. Historical dictionary of the Czech state. p. 71.

Kirschbaum, Stanislav J. Historical dictionary of Slovakia. p. 71.

Schwitzer, Matej K. Slovakia, the path to nationhood. p. 71.

Hahn, Henry. Postal history of Telč and surrounding area. p. 71.

Riemer, Karl-Heinz. Office for checking foreign mail: Vienna. p. 73.

Hahn, Henry. Pneumatic tube mail of Vienna and Prague. p. 77.

Hornung, Otto. Great Britain blank registered etiquette. p. 85.

Hornung, Otto. Three covers of interest: Carpatho-Ukraine airmail, French slogan, Great Britain. p. 85.

Morovics, Tomáš. Essays and labels - Blind Soldiers Society [1935]. p. 89.


Spong, Colin W. Residential weekend at Hinsley Hall, Leeds, Friday-Sunday 12-14 September 2003. p. 99.

Kingsley, Robert. Philatelic exhibition and seminar - the Czech embassy 24-28 October 2003. p. 100.

Spong, Colin W. Publications. p. 102.

MacMillan, Margaret. Peacemakers. p. 104.

Stern, Max. My stamp on life. p. 104.

Hahn, Henry. Pneumatic tube mail of Vienna and Prague. p. 105.

Rennison, Laurie. Box 226 - Palestine. p. 110.

Hollis, Ronald. Postcard of interest: Sudetenland map. p. 111.

Marcus, Manfred. TPO services in the Czech Republic – Sept 1999. p. 112.

Wheatley, Richard. Czech registration labels after WW2. p. 115.



Public Records Office. SOE - Operations in Eastern Europe: a guide to the records in the Public Records Office. p. 4.

Spong, Colin W. Publications. p. 5.

Hornung, Otto. Palkoska, Vratislav. 1923-2001. p. 6.

Spezialkatalog Karpatén-Ukraine. p. 6.

Czechoslovak revenues. p. 7.

Wackett, Cyril. Vogel, Heinz. 1946 air mail stamps and the Douglas DC4. p. 8.

Dawson, William A. Postcard of interest: bisects. p. 21.


Spong, Colin W. Publications. p. 31.

Kingsley, Robert. Gorge, Ernst. p. 32.

Kunc, Lubor. Perforation varieties on Czech and Slovak stamps. p. 34.

Pearcy, Les. Philately in Prague. p. 34.

Morovics, Tomáš. Covers of interest: catastrophic mail. p. 41.

Beith, Richard. Postcards of interest: allied free forces. p. 43.

Kunc, Lubor. Hill, Robert J. Porta prosto. p. 46.


Spong, Colin W. Publications. p. 59.

Nutley, Ian. Bratislava International Exhibition 2002. p. 60.

Palkoska, Vratislav. Royal Air Force field post in Prague 1945-46. p. 65.

Kunc, Lubor. Eastern Silesia 1918-1920. p. 66.

Ministry of Foreign Affairs. Department of Information. Invasion, political persecution. p. 75.

Horne, J Barry. Essays and labels. p. 77.

Wilson, Tom. Stamps of Czechoslovakia: medicinal plants. p. 78.


Spong, Colin W. Publications. p. 93.

Stanley Gibbons catalogue part 5, 2002. p. 94.

Day, Brian C. Boxed P.I. and numbered censor marks. p. 95.

Tschimer, Thomas. Railway post in the Czech Republic at the present time. p. 99.

Markus, Manfred. TPO services in Europe. p. 100.

Hirš, Pavel. Perforation variations of the 1925 TGM issue (Gravure). p. 101.

Hammonds, John N. Victory cancellations of Bohemia and Moravia. p. 105.

Morrison, Kenny. Czech legions in France and Italy. p. 109.

Verner, Jaroslav J. Mail of the Czechoslovak legions in France. p. 118.



Spong, Colin W. Publications. p. 3.

Svoboda, Ludvik Z. Glossary of philatelic terminology [2d edition]. p. 3.

Rickenback, Peter C. Specialized catalogue of postal stationery of Bohemia and Moravia. p. 4.

Rickenback, Peter C. Santaeugenia Grau, Juan. p. 4.

Entwistle, Charles. Locally registered and foreign air services of British Africa. p. 4.

Startup, Robin M. Trans-Pacific route 1942-1945. p. 4.

Day, Brian C. Postcard of interest: Hungarian negotiating team. p. 5.

Honisch, Hassan Max. Travelling post office and mailguard postmarks of Czechoslovakia. p. 6.

Beneš, František. Reinhard Heydrich - Protectorate miniature sheet. p. 12.

Müller, Werner. Compulsory tax stamps for picture postcards 1939-45. p. 18.

Vostatek, Miroslav (Dr). Automated postal system (APOST) in the Czech Republic. p. 20.

Beith, Richard. 2001 Residential weekend in Chester. p. 26.


Kunc, Lubor. Czech field post office study group. p. 28.

Spong, Colin W. Publications. p. 29.

Tucker, Aviezer. Philosophy and politics of Czech dissidence from Patočka to Havel. p. 30.

Slovakia specialized catalogue 2001. p. 30.

Honisch, Hassan Max. Travelling post office and mailguard postmarks of Czechoslovakia. p. 31.

Beneš, František. Reinhard Heydrich - Protectorate miniature sheet. p. 35.

Circa 1919 essays. p. 42.

Spong, Colin W. Covers of interest: Lovasovce/Koniarovce/Szomorlovász to Cakovec. p. 45.


Spong, Colin W. Publications. p. 58.

Circa 1919 essays. p. 59.

Vostatek, Miroslav (Dr). Travelling post office has much in common with Pardubice. p. 61.

Morovics, Tomáš. Covers of interest: Jaroslav Junek designs. p. 63.

Dawson, William A. Sudetenland - the German occupation of southern Bohemia. p. 65.

Beith, Richard. Another Jituš design. p. 71.


Spong, Colin W. Publications. p. 89.

Kunc, Lubor. Czechoslovak college. p. 90.

Circa 1919 essays. p. 94.

Hill, Robert J. Slavkov u Brna - April and May 1945. p. 96.

Perforation varieties on Czech and Slovak stamps. p. 100.

Littlejohn, David. Foreign legions of the Third Reich, vol 3. p. 103.

Hill, Robert J. Auction notes. p. 106.



Spong, Colin W. Publications. p. 3.

Dudáček, Lubomir. Dopravni letiště Prahy [Airports of Prague]1918-1946. p. 4.

Kucera, Pavel. Aero 1919-1999: illustrated history of an aircraft builder. p. 4.

Icare revue de l’aviation Française No 131. p. 5.

Hill, Robert J. Visiting the Van Gogh museum in Amsterdam. p. 6.

Hill, Robert J. Revolutionary overprints of Pardubice. p. 9.


Wheatley, Yvonne. Walker, Derek. Bosworth, Anthony J. Hudson, Norman. Brno 2000 exhibition. p. 26.

Spong, Colin W. Publications. p. 29.

Gilpin, John. Millar, Kenneth B. p. 30.

Whiteside, John L. Money orders: some random notes on these in the first republic. p. 31.

Hill, Robert J. Santaeugenia Grau, Juan. Revolutionary overprints of Pardubice. p. 36.

Hornung, Otto. Covers of interest - lot 319, April auction. p. 46.

Page, William Alexander. World War I card. p. 47.

Postal rates in Bohemia Moravia Protectorate. p. 48.


Spong, Colin W. Publications. p. 62.

Dubyniak, Roman. Cybaniak, Peter. Postal history of the Ukraine: Austro-Hungarian army in Ukraine censor handstamps 1914-1918. p. 62.

Dubyniak, Roman. Cybaniak, Peter. KuK Ukrainische Legion Fieldpostkorrespondenzkarten 1914-1918. p. 62.

Hill, Robert J. Spong, Colin W. Bělský, Franta (František). p. 63.

Hammonds, John N. From Great Britain to the Czech nation. p. 63.

Morovics, Tomáš. Covers of interest: by plane all around the world for just 1 kč. p. 64.

Holoubek, Karel. 1945 liberation overprint - Pečky. p. 65.

Králiček, Vladimír J. Carpatho-Ukraine/Ruthenia: 60th anniversary of 1st stamp. p. 66.

Hahn, Henry. Prague pneumatic tube mail systems: 100th anniversary. p. 67.

Page, William Alexander. USA - Czech relief. p. 68.

Vostatek, Miroslav (Dr). Some thoughts on plate faults and perforations. p. 74.

Postal rates in Bohemia Moravia Protectorate. p. 75.

Morovics, Tomáš. Slovak uprising perf proof. p. 86.


Spong, Colin W. Publications. p. 89.

Králiček, Vladimír J. Spong, Colin W. Czech relief. p. 89.

Karásek, Jan. Dawson, William A. Vzácnosti a zajimavosti československých známek (Rare and remarkable Czech postage stamps). p. 90.

Dawson, William A. Covers of interest: headless Chainbreaker. p. 96.

Dixon, Rex A. Postal rates in Bohemia Moravia protectorate. p. 99.

Honisch, Hassan Max. Travelling post office and mailguard postmarks of Czechoslovakia. p. 106.

Horne, J Barry. Covers by a gifted amateur. p. 109.



Spong, Colin W. Publications. p. 3.

Hill, Robert J. Stamp shops of Brno. p. 8.

Karásek, Jan. Československé poštovní známky 1918-1939 a jejich padělky. p. 9.

Indra, Viktor J. Postal evolution in the Hlučín region from prestamp era to 1973. p. 10.

Shapiro, Jeffrey N. Uncommon use of solo 25 cent prexie – 1948 emergency service to Palestine. p. 16.

Smith, Colin D. Interesting souvenir card: patriotism. p. 17.


Kaplan, Frank. Cholmondeley Park restoration of Czechoslovak Army Memorial. p. 28.

Spong, Colin W. Publications. p. 29.

Tovačovský, Oldřich. Schödelbauer, Vladimir. Kypast, Jan. Monografie československých známek 5, SO 1920. p. 29.

Horka, Petr. Katalog československá letecká pošta 1918–1939. p. 30.

Boyle, Thomas H (Jr). Airmail operations during World War II. p. 31.

Indra, Viktor J. Postal evolution in the Hlučín region from prestamp era to 1973. p. 33.

Page, William Alexander. Ivan Strnad- graphic artist, designer, and illustrator. p. 40.


Spong, Colin W. Publications. p. 55.

Barling, Geoff. Postal rates of Croatia and Srem. p. 57.

Beneš, František. POFIS catalogue of Czechoslovakia 1918-1939. p. 57.

Boyle, Thomas H (Jr). Airmail operations during World War II. p. 57.

Indra, Viktor J. Postal evolution in the Hlučín region from prestamp era to 1973. p. 58.

Hahn, Henry. Prague pneumatic mail. p. 75.


Dixon, Rex A. Society weekend held Friday 1 to Sunday 3 October 1999 at the Manor House Hotel, Leamington Spa. p. 84.

Spong, Colin W. Publications. p. 86.

Janik, Břetislav. Herčík, Josef. p. 87.

Miller, Daniel E. Forging political compromise, Antonín Švehla and the Czechoslovak Republican Party 1918-1933. p. 88.

Kirschbaum, Stanislav J. History of Slovakia. p. 89.

Hockman, Jiří. Historical dictionary of the Czech state. p. 89.

Kirschbaum, Stanislav J. Historical dictionary of Slovakia. p. 89.

Short, David. World bibliographic series, vol. 68: Czechoslovakia. p. 89.

Morovics, Tomáš. Covers of interest: postcard on printers' waste. p. 90.

Postal rates in Bohemia Moravia Protectorate. p. 91.

Kohalmi, Csaba L. Re: The Hungarian-Czechoslovak postal war. p. 93.

Indra, Viktor J. Postal evolution in the Hlučín region from prestamp era to 1973. p. 99.



Spong, Colin W. Publications. p. 3.

Spong, Colin W. O Keefe, Peter J. Page, William Alexander. p. 4.

McAuley, Geoffrey. History in the post - a card to professor Masaryk. p. 5.

Pring, John David. Petite entente: malá dohoda. p. 6.

Page, William Alexander. Another World War II find. p. 9.

Hill, Robert J. Visiting the postal museum at Vyšší Brod. p. 11.

Samsom, Fred J. Unadopted essays. p. 15.


Spong, Colin W. Publications. p. 32.

Černý, Antonín. Bohemika. p. 33.

Helfetz, by Murray. OAT and AV2 markings. p. 33.

James, A R. WW2 HMSO bibliography. p. 33.

State emblem of the Slovak Republic. p. 35.

Tovačovský, Oldřich. 75th anniversary of the issue of the Plebiscite stamps SO 1920. p. 40.

Hill, Robert J. Visiting the postal museum at Vyšší Brod. p. 43.

Day, Brian C. Trans-Siberian railway postmarks. p. 47.


Spong, Colin W. Publications. p. 61.

Kořinek, Jiří. Fiscal material from territories of Czechoslovakia: Vol 1 fiscal stamps. p. 61.

Hill, Robert J. Liberation of Czechoslovakia. p. 62.

Beith, Richard. Recent airmail acquisition; Prague to Nebraska. p. 62.

Dehn, Roy A. Bratislava exhibition. p. 65.

Hill, Robert J. Stamp bourse of Pardubice. p. 70.

McLeod, Robert. History of the town hall clock. p. 71.

Šablatúra, Svätopluk. 65th anniversary of stamps of the Slovak Republic. p. 73.


Dissen, Eckart H. Czechoslovak issues for the New York World’s Fair, 1939 and 1940. p. 83.

Spong, Colin W. Publications. p. 84.

Spong, Colin W. Jourdan, Vincent R. p. 84.

Spong, Colin W. Elliot, Michael Richard. p. 84.

Santaeugenia Grau, Juan. Revolutionary stamps and overprints 1939-1945. 6th Edition. p. 86.

Whiteside, John L. Prague administration districts and post ofices, names, and numbers. p. 89.

Page, William Alexander. Modern literary classic and its philatelic connections. p. 90.

Hill, Robert J. Unknown 1945 liberation overprint. p. 95.

Hill, Robert J. New liberation overprint find - Dolní Encovany. p. 96.

Horne, J Barry. Hill, Robert J. Wheatley, Yvonne. Praga 98. p. 96.



Spong, Colin W. Publications. p. 3.

Trojan, Martin. Trojan, Jaroslav. Trojan catalogue Protektorát Čechy a Morava / Slovenský Štat 1939-1945 / Sudety 1938. p. 3.

Holoubek, Karel. Česká republika - revoluční vydáni (kvetěn 1945). p. 5.

Extract from post office circulars for 1940-1943. p. 6.

Králiček, Vladimír J. Two interesting 1945 covers. p. 7.

Hamilton, I. Czechoslovakia: the national anthem sheets and their forgeries. p. 8.

Hill, Robert J. Stamp shops of Česke Budějovice. p. 12.

Whiteside, John L. Methods of paying invoices via the post office. p. 13.

Taylor, Andy. Slater, Graham. Mute cancellations. p. 16.


Spong, Colin W. Publications. p. 30.

Trojan, Martin. Československo 1918-1992; Česka Republika 1993-1996; Slovenská Republika 1993-1996. p. 30.

Československo 1945-1992 specializovaný katalog 1997. p. 31.

Beneš, František. Tosnerova, Patricia. Nutley, Ian. Mail service in ghetto Terezín 1941-1945. p. 31.

Wilson, Tom. Some stamps of medical interest. p. 32.

Vostatek, Miroslav (Dr). Czech soldiers on the Thessalonika front 1917-1918. p. 34.

Page, William Alexander. Something different in special cancellations. p. 35.

Lachowicz, Krzysztof. Polish field post in Operation Danube, Czechoslovakia 1968. p. 36.

Dixon, Rex A. Business reply cards. p. 40.

Knight, Lindy. Czech Republic 1 April 1997. p. 51.


Spong, Colin W. Publications. p. 58.

Svoboda, Ludvik Z. Glossary of philatelic terminology [1st Edition]. p. 59.

Rajlich, Jiří. Sehnal, Jiří. Beith, Richard. Slovenští letci - Slovak airmen 1939-1941. p. 59.

Hill, Robert J. Problems with postage due and postal stationery. p. 66.

Hill, Robert J. Visit to the Czech postal museum - PrahaPrague. p. 70.


Dixon, Rex A. Society weekend 17-19 October 1997 at Maidencombe. p. 80.

Spong, Colin W. Publications. p. 82.

Beith, Richard. Have you visited the post office archives lately? p. 83.

Neighbour, Chad. Peaceful parting. p. 84.

Page, William Alexander. 1945 liberation overprints of Frýdek (Friedek). p. 87.

Hill, Robert J. Visit to Kbely aerospace museum. p. 89.



Spong, Colin W. Publications. p. 3.

Horne, J Barry. Prague 11 October 1945: welcome to General Eisenhower. p. 4.

Wincewicz, Tadeusz. Dual language (Czech-Polish) postmarks of East Silesia. p. 5.

Tekeľ, Jozef. Postal agency of Nevičke: an unknown type of postmark. p. 11.

Pring, John David. Czech stamps. p. 13.

Hill, Robert J. Amsterdam stamp shops and bourses. p. 15.

Knight, Alan J. Dixon, Rex A. It pays to browse. p. 17.


Spong, Colin W. Publications. p. 29.

Spong, Colin W. Knight, Alan J P. 1919-1996. p. 30.

Spong, Colin W. Tomlinson, Ronald. p. 30.

Monografia česko-slovenských poštovných známok XV. p. 31.

Dawson, William A. Merkur Revue. p. 32.

Dehn, Roy A. Prague castle 25 heller: damaged plate. p. 33.

Hill, Robert J. Dutch postal museum den Haag. p. 37.

Bouška, Miroslav (Dr). 50th anniversary of the Czechoslovak mobile post office. p. 38.

Morovics, Tomáš. Czechoslovak forces field post office cancellations during WWII. p. 39.

Vostatek, Miroslav (Dr). Government forces post. p. 42.


Spong, Colin W. Publications. p. 57.

Bylen, Peter. Carpatho-Ukraine a catalogue-checklist. p. 58.

Santaeugenia Grau, Juan. Revolutionary stamps and overprints 1939-1945 Local Issues 5th Edition. p. 58.

Smith, Colin D. Views on stamps Hora Říp. p. 59.

Wincewicz, Tadeusz. Polish post in Zaolzie 1938-1939. p. 61.

Beith, Richard. Even more on airmail postal rates. p. 69.


Spong, Colin W. Publications. p. 82.

Lütgens, Rainer E. Deutsches Reich - Postgebührenkatalog 1923 bis 1945. p. 83.

Dehn, Roy A. Tabbed stamps of Czechoslovakia. p. 84.

Tekeľ, Jozef. Kingsley, Robert. 11.10.1938: Territorial loss in southern Slovakia. p. 91.



Stanley Gibbons catalogue part 5, 1995. p. 4.

Freer, Phillips B. For beginners: the philately of Czechoslovakia. p. 4.

Králiček, Vladimír J. Page, William Alexander. 1943 London Czechoslovak stamp exhibition. p. 6.

Beith, Richard. More on air mail postage rates. p. 21.

Hutyra, František Hutyra. Schedule of postal rates. p. 22.


Spong, Colin W. Publications. p. 32.

Dehn, Roy A. Czech type F overprint: an interesting forged setting. p. 33.

Cordes, Chris. Forgery of Czech forces in Siberia. p. 37.

Knight, Alan J. Unusual recent printing style. p. 38.

Knight, Alan J. Czech Republic PS. postcard 23.3.1995. p. 39.

Hammonds, John N. Autopošta. p. 40.


Holm, Peter. Československá letecká pošta katalog 1945-1992. p. 56.

Spong, Colin W. Publications. p. 56.

Smith, Colin D. Errors in designs: Telč 1994. p. 57.

Sansom, Fred J. Perforations of the Hradčany issue. p. 58.

Page, William Alexander. American army and related posts in Czechoslovakia from April 1945. p. 60.


Spong, Colin W. Publications. p. 81.

Hill, Robert J. Some stamp shops of Istanbul. p. 82.

Dušik, Jaroslav. Prestamp postmarks of the Vyškov post office. p. 84.

Tekeľ, Andrej. Airmails in Slovakia 1939/45. p. 86.

Tekeľ, Andrej. Slovakia airmail supplements as of 6th May 1940. p. 87.

Dawson, William A. Interesting Protektorat official cover. p. 89.



Stich, H F (Dr). Stich, W. Specht, J. Civil and military censorship during World War II. p. 4.

Benford, Mervyn. Water in Hungarian philately. p. 4.

McAuley, Geoffrey. Czech Legion in France 1914-1918. p. 11.


Dawson, William A. Page, William Alexander. Secret marks. p. 29.

Vostatek, Miroslav (Dr). Vitorazsko. p. 37.

Wilson, Tom. Medicinal plants. p. 41.


Morovics, Tomáš. Fieldpost. p. 57.

Morovics, Tomáš. Censor markings 1921-1922. p. 57.

Morovics, Tomáš. Forgeries of provisional newspaper labels. p. 58.

Knight, Alan J. Slovak tribute to the International Red Cross. p. 59.

Horne, J Barry. Security and insurance for collectables. p. 60.

Smith, Colin D. Praha philatelic counter. p. 69.


Page, William Alexander. Postcodes. p. 78.

Osthues, Wilfried. Sobotka, Ctibor. Kokta, Ladislaus. Specialist catalog of Czechoslovak entires 1918-1992. p. 78.

Večerek, Oldřich. Czechoslovak army field post office guide to postal tariffs in Great Britain and overseas. p. 80.

Knight, Alan J. Whatever's happening. p. 86.



Knight, Alan J. Czech and Slovak Republics - update. p. 5.

Dehn, Roy A. Is this a first day of issue mark? p. 6.

Rauch, Walter J (Dr). Philately and history. p. 7.

Dehn, Roy A. Typography of Masaryk's 70th birthday. p. 15.

Knight, Alan J. Last day of Czechoslovak postage stamps 18.12.1992. p. 18.


Whiteside, John L. Postgut parcel service. p. 37.

Whiteside, John L. Official mail. p. 39.

Irvine, D E G. Seshold, M. Errors in Czechoslovakian stamp designs. p. 40.

Rauch, Walter J (Dr). Philately and history. p. 44.

Backeljauw, Frederik D A. Prague bourses. p. 50.


Knight, Alan J. CS. Philatelic Society of Great Britain. p. 54.


Knight, Alan J. 40th anniversary dinner. p. 86.

Day, Brian C. 40th anniversary exhibition, 1993. p. 87.

Miles, David. Reference book of overprints on Hungarian stamps. p. 88.

Ryan, Gary S. Cancellations of Hungarian post offices on the first issue of Hungary. p. 88.

Knight, Alan J. 40th anniversary cover. p. 91.

Nekvasil, Jiří. Fieldpost of Austro-Hungarian river fleet in World War I. p. 100.

McAuley, Geoffrey. Cyril and Methodius. p. 108.

Page, William Alexander. Czechoslovak army in France and UK, 1939-1945 France, 1940. p. 112.



Šubart, F. Bohemia-Moravia postal history 1938-45 study group. p. 4.

Kotka, Ladislaus. Osthues, Wilfried. Specialised catalogue of Czechoslovakian stamp booklets. p. 4.

Filatelistický výber 1988 (stamp booklets). p. 4.

Jensen, Paul H. Postal history of Czechoslovakia to 1850. p. 6.


Entwistle, Charles. Entwistle, Avril. Undercover addresses of World War II. p. 25.

Entwistle, Charles. Entwistle, Avril. Introduction to German censorship 1939-45. p. 25.

Entwistle, Charles. Entwistle, Avril. Horseshoe route. p. 25.

Tešitel, Alois (Dr). Cross-border travelling post offices 1850-1988. p. 26.

Williams, David M. Via POB 506 Lisbon - a further find. p. 30.

Troev, Theodor. Village that refused to die. p. 31.

Ministry of Posts and Telegraphs. Battle of Zborov 2. VII. 1917. p. 33.

Pring, John David. Sports events of 1961 – the rugby stamp. p. 40.

Page, William Alexander. Jindřich Křeček (Jituš) - war artist. p. 41.

Page, William Alexander. Staff Captain Alois Vašátko 50th death anniversary 1942-1992. p. 43.

Vostatek, Miroslav (Dr). Postal provisions of the Protectorate militia. p. 44.


Perry, John. Visit to Bratislava in May 1992. p. 65.


Knight, Alan J. Národní Kolek booklet. p. 82.

Whiteside, John L. Hyperinflation. p. 87.

Page, William Alexander. May 1945 - in the Olomouc Area. p. 89.

Dehn, Roy A. Matter of definition. p. 92.

Knight, Alan J. Recent issue - protected beetles. p. 94.

Page, William Alexander. Vojtěch Preissig. p. 96.



Page, William Alexander. British Airways Concorde. p. 3.

Emmenegger, J L. Neutral Nations Supervising Commission in Korea. p. 3.

Knight, Alan J. Stanley Gibbons catalogue part 5, 1991. p. 4.

Milsom, H P. First postcard - postal regulations. p. 14.

Knight, Alan J. Fool's gold. p. 16.

Page, William Alexander. Little known Scout postal stationery card. p. 17.

Morovics, Tomáš. Austria’s first stamp (1850) quantities printed. p. 19.


Knight, Alan J. Mucha, Jiří. p. 30.

Simády, Béla (Dr). Carpatho-Ukraine handbook. p. 31.

Jensen, Paul H. European Postal Union rates from Slovakia. p. 32.

Tešitel, Alois (Dr). Cross-border travelling post offices 1850-1988. p. 38.

Jensen, Paul H. By Thomas Cook and Son ltd from Slovakia to England via POB 506 Lisbon. p. 43.

Králiček, Vladimír J. Interesting 1945 card from Pilsen, Bohemia. p. 45.

Morovics, Tomáš. M R Štefánik 50h green POFIS 291. p. 46.

Knight, Alan J. Background to some recent issues. p. 48.

Chesloe, Charley. Portrait of a Slovak girl. p. 49.

Knight, Alan J. Professor Antonin Svojsik. p. 50.


Duggan, John. LZ 130 zeppelin-post. p. 55.

Tešitel, Alois (Dr). Cross-border travelling post offices 1850-1988. p. 59.

Knight, Alan J. Austro-Hungarian navy fieldpost 1914-1918. p. 63.

Page, William Alexander. Recent World War 2 find. p. 72.

Milsom, H P. Jiří Švengsbír. p. 73.

Gronský, Ján. Karel Jonáš - Czech patriot 1814 [sic] -1896. p. 80.


Dehn, Roy A. Knight, Alan J. Amendment to our monograph no. 3 1985. p. 84.

Knight, Alan J. Calling railways and TPO enthusiasts. p. 85.

Tešitel, Alois (Dr). Cross-border travelling post offices 1850-1988. p. 86.

Czechoslovak Philatelic Federation. Notice from the Czechoslovak Philatelic Federation. p. 90.

Page, William Alexander. Czechoslovaks in Antarctica. p. 91.

Page, William Alexander. Dolfa Bartošík (1907-1989) designer WW2 Czechoslovak fieldpost commemorative cancellers. p. 94.

Knight, Alan J. Commemorative postcards. p. 98.

Page, William Alexander. Unique UPU specimens. p. 99.



Knight, Alan J. Charles bridge. p. 2.

Ministry of Posts and Telegraphs. Bulletin 9/1935. p. 4.

Morovics, Tomáš. Černohlavek, Jaroslav. 1927 State Arms postcard. p. 17.

Knight, Alan J. Agriculture or Economy? p. 20.

Page, William Alexander. Story of an entire. p. 21.


Page, William Alexander. Greetings to London 90! p. 27.

Lewy, Edgar. Katz, Mano. Children's help fund - March 7, 1938. p. 29.

Vostatek, Miroslav (Dr). Postmarks of Podzámčí. p. 32.

Morovics, Tomáš. Newspaper stamps 1945-47. p. 33.

Morovics, Tomáš. Prison mail censorship. p. 38.


Knight, Alan J. Stamp denominations - K Kč Ks Kčs. p. 56.

Knight, Alan J. Czechs and the Austrian fieldpost 1914–1918. p. 57.

Vostatek, Miroslav (Dr). Velichovky 1945: Were the Americans that far to the east? p. 69.

Gronský, Ján. Victims of injustice: Dr Milada Horáková. p. 72.

Page, William Alexander. Belgica 1990. p. 73.

New Slovak catalogue 1939-1945. p. 74.


Dawson, William A. Czechoslovakia's currency reform 1.6.1953. p. 77.

Bláha, Miroslav. Zakarpatsko. p. 81.

Knight, Alan J. New commemorative postmarks. p. 83.

Page, William Alexander. Early travelling post office train. p. 84.

Morovics, Tomáš. Czechoslovak newspaper stamps: design development from 1937. p. 85.

Houška, Vitězslav. First postcard. p. 89.

Tekeľ, Jozef. Blue strikes of field post office 46. p. 94.

Hodková, Helena. Recent issue: Bratislava motifs. p. 97.

Knight, Alan J. Czechoslovakia's first Christmas stamp. p. 98.



Dehn, Roy A. First fifty years of Czechoslovak airmails. p. 7.

Stoyel, A Jack. Sudetenland addenda. p. 19.

Davison, Ted. Another interesting find. p. 20.

Spong, Colin W. Current philatelic literature [Title varies]. p. 27.


Dehn, Roy A. First fifty years of Czechoslovak airmails. p. 31.

Jensen, E Skovbo. Commercial printed matter. p. 44.

Day, Brian C. Sokol games. p. 49.


Hornung, Otto. Glimpse at old Carpatho-Ukraine's mail. p. 57.

Wheatley, Yvonne. Field post of the Czech army in Siberia. p. 67.

Page, William Alexander. Philexfrance 89. p. 80.


Dehn, Roy A. Perforations of 30h violet. p. 86.

Whiteside, John L. First republic the early days. p. 89.

Feldmann, Vladimír. Changeover dates of postal rates. p. 93.

Mareda, Jaroslav. Prisoner of war camp Znojmo 3. p. 100.

Benford, Mervyn. Visszatért period in Hungarian philately. p. 107.

Knight, Alan J. Addendum to specialized handbook (1988). p. 108.



Wackett, Cyril. Study of the Czechoslovakian 1945 liberation issues. p. 4.

Dawson, William A. Forgeries of Czechoslovak issues. p. 6.

Vender, Milan (Dr). Philatelic dreams. p. 13.

Knight, Alan J. Czechoslovak national anthem. p. 15.

Knight, Alan J. Recent issue: Terezín. p. 16.


Leary, M K. Another 'used' Štefánik cover. p. 21.

Spong, Colin W. Current philatelic literature [Title varies]. p. 22.

Page, William Alexander. Czechoslovak army in World War II. p. 23.

Pizer, Robin. Czechoslovak mail and German exchange controls 1918-1922. p. 31.

Whiteside, John L. Italian fieldpost in Slovakia - 1919. p. 37.

Page, William Alexander. Czechoslovak postal museum. p. 41.

Knight, Alan J. Praga 88 information. p. 45.

Knight, Alan J. Stop press - unprogrammed issue. p. 46.


Page, William Alexander. Finlandia 88 - a review. p. 50.

Whiteside, John L. Parcel post in the Czech lands. p. 57.

Dehn, Roy A. Hradčany issue - type IV. p. 70.


Page, William Alexander. Praga 88 report. p. 77.

Adcock, Rosemary. Art of Wenceslaus Hollar (1607-1677). p. 88.

Králiček, Vladimír J. From the Protektorat period in Czechoslovakia during World War II (1944). p. 92.

Karásek, Jan. Žampach, František. Dr Miroslav Tyrš (1832-1884). p. 94.



Spong, Colin W. Current philatelic literature [Title varies]. p. 3.

Spong, Colin W. World postage stamp exhibition - Praga 88. p. 4.

Jourdan, Vincent R. Maritime philately of Czechoslovakia. p. 7.

Weissenstein, Josef. Cessation of postage due. p. 8.

Knight, Lindy. Contemporary spotlight [Title varies]. p. 9.


Spong, Colin W. Current philatelic literature [Title varies]. p. 12.

Dehn, Roy A. S.G Czechoslovakia and the legionary issue of 1919. p. 13.

Jensen, Paul H. Unissued Štefánik stamps of Slovakia. p. 19.

Knight, Alan J. Why the difference. p. 21.


Knight, Alan J. Goodman, Kathleen Florence, F.R.P.S.L. p. 25.

Page, William Alexander. Večerek, Oldřich. p. 29.

Pearson, George. Dr. Tomáš G Masaryk. p. 30.

Spong, Colin W. Current philatelic literature [Title varies]. p. 32.

Page, William Alexander. Exhibition of Czechoslovak stamps in London. p. 37.

Page, William Alexander. J. Mottl - publisher of military cards (1939-1940). p. 42.

Hodková, Helena. Spotlight on some new issues. p. 43.

Page, William Alexander. BPF 69th congress - 1987. p. 45.


Spong, Colin W. Current philatelic literature [Title varies]. p. 49.

Page, William Alexander. Hafnia 87. p. 51.

Krasnička, Ivo. Prague scout post of 1918. p. 52.

Knight, Alan J. St Wenceslas. p. 61.

Whiteside, John L. Austrian postage rates up to 1918. p. 63.

Knight, Alan J. Czech Philatelists Club centenary. p. 65.

Knight, Alan J. Recent issue: Prague castle. p. 66.



Spong, Colin W. Current philatelic literature [Title varies]. p. 2.

Hollis, Ronald. New discovery. p. 2.

Knight, Alan J. Czechoslovakia currency reform 1953. p. 4.

Spong, Colin W. Current philatelic literature [Title varies]. p. 7.


Spong, Colin W. Current philatelic literature [Title varies]. p. 13.

Negus, James William. Issue dates of Slovakia commemoratives. p. 15.

Knight, Alan J. Doplatné - the end of an era. p. 18.

Black, Robert J. Východná 25th folk festival. p. 20.


Spong, Colin W. Current philatelic literature [Title varies]. p. 22.

Roberts, I W. Benford, Mervyn. Russian field post offices during the Austro/Russian campaign in Hungary 1849. p. 23.

Vostatek, Miroslav (Dr). Those that stayed behind: France 1940. p. 26.

Voloncs, Gabor. Czechoslovak stamps used in Hungary. p. 28.

Knight, Alan J. Supplement to POFIS catalogue 1982. p. 32.


Spong, Colin W. Current philatelic literature [Title varies]. p. 34.

Knight, Alan J. Austin, John A F. p. 35.

Knight, Alan J. Taylor, Ernest G. p. 35.

Collins, Peter. Letter. p. 36.

Page, William Alexander. Society display at the British Philatelic Exhibition October 14-19 1986. p. 38.



Spong, Colin W. Philatelistiche Bibliothek Munchen [Bibliography of Philatelic Works]. p. 88.

Spong, Colin W. Current philatelic literature [Title varies]. p. 88.

Spong, Colin W. Announcements and news. p. 88.

Hocke, Hans. Man and his flights into space. p. 89.


Spong, Colin W. Current philatelic literature [Title varies]. p. 100.

Knight, Lindy. Postal mechanisation in Bratislava. p. 101.

Knight, Alan J. Contemporary spotlight [Title varies]. p. 102.

Black, Robert J. Unknown Hussite. p. 105.


Spong, Colin W. Current philatelic literature [Title varies]. p. 110.

Page, William Alexander. Czechoslovak army - the return to Europe - some unanswered questions. p. 111.

Whiteside, John L. Provisional. p. 116.


Spong, Colin W. Current philatelic literature [Title varies]. p. 120.

Stoyel, A Jack. Connolly, George E. Provisional newspaper stamps. p. 120.

Verner, Jaroslav J. Letters to the editor. p. 125.

Seebauer, F. Kingsley, Robert. Validity of Czechoslovak stamps on territory occupied by Hungary in 1938. p. 126.



Knight, Alan J. Umění a Známka. p. 49.

Taylor, Ernest G. Special and commemorative postmarks of Bohemia and Moravia. p. 54.


Knight, Alan J. Stories behind the stamps. p. 57.

Spong, Colin W. Current philatelic literature [Title varies]. p. 58.

Tekeľ, Jozef. Field post of the Hungarian Republican Council Army on the territory of Slovakia in the year 1919. p. 60.

Taylor, Ernest G. Special and commemorative postmarks of Bohemia and Moravia. p. 64.


Knight, Alan J. Contemporary spotlight [Title varies]. p. 68.

Taylor, Ernest G. Special and commemorative postmarks of Bohemia and Moravia. p. 69.

Spong, Colin W. Current philatelic literature [Title varies]. p. 75.


Spong, Colin W. Current philatelic literature [Title varies]. p. 77.

Taylor, Ernest G. Special and commemorative postmarks of Bohemia and Moravia. p. 79.

Krouman, J P. Most beautiful Czechoslovak stamps of 1983. p. 86.



Spong, Colin W. Current philatelic literature [Title varies]. p. 2.

Knight, Alan J. Stories behind the stamps. p. 3.

Whiteside, John L. Czechoslovakia - some notes on the usage of postage due stamps. p. 4.


Spong, Colin W. Current philatelic literature [Title varies]. p. 16.

Mirtl, M. Table of issue of Czechoslovakian stamps of different papers. p. 17.

Whiteside, John L. Czechoslovakia - some notes on the usage of postage due stamps. p. 19.


Spong, Colin W. Current philatelic literature [Title varies]. p. 27.

Page, William Alexander. How it all began. p. 28.

Knight, Alan J. Contemporary spotlight [Title varies]. p. 29.

Taylor, Ernest G. Unlisted and little known varieties of stamps of CSSR 1945 to-date. p. 33.

Hounsell, Reginald. Airmail corner. p. 35.

Knight, Alan J. Stories behind the stamps. p. 36.


Spong, Colin W. Current philatelic literature [Title varies]. p. 45.



Spong, Colin W. Current philatelic literature [Title varies]. p. 81.

Connolly, George E. Visit to the Czech postal museum - July 1981. p. 82.

Žampach, František. Plate numbers of the Czech newspaper stamps: 5h issued 1924-25. p. 85.


Lidova Demokracie. Jindra Schmidt. p. 92.

Knight, Alan J. Contemporary spotlight [Title varies]. p. 92.

Gren, Fryderyk. Gren, Yvonne. Czech provisionals. p. 93.

Hornung, Otto. Government of Bohemia and Moravia and its mail. p. 94.


Spong, Colin W. Current philatelic literature [Title varies]. p. 101.

Page, William Alexander. PHILEXFRANCE 82. p. 106.

Hounsell, Reginald. Airmail issues 1946-1949. p. 107.


Spong, Colin W. Current philatelic literature [Title varies]. p. 111.

Knight, Alan J. Jindra Schmidt - father of Czech engravers. p. 112.

Connolly, George E. Czech druzina and squad nazdar. p. 117.

Knight, Alan J. Contemporary spotlight [Title varies]. p. 121.



Dawson, William A. Praga 78 balloon posts. p. 42.

Field, Francis J. Czech army brigade. p. 42.

Hill, Norman. Postal markings of allied forces in Great Britain. p. 42.

Neubäck, Wilhelm Otto. Scout cancellations in Czechoslovakia. p. 43.

Whiteside, John L. Czechoslovak military posts in Slovakia 1918-1920. p. 44.

Knight, Alan J. Slovenska keramica - Slovak Ceramics. p. 47.


Whiteside, John L. Czechoslovak military posts in Slovakia 1918-1920. p. 53.

Knight, Alan J. Porcelain on Czechoslovak stamps. p. 58.

Taylor, Ernest G. Czechoslovak ghost. p. 60.


Spong, Colin W. Pearson, George FRPSL. p. 62.

Page, William Alexander. Letter from Vienna - WIPA 1981. p. 63.

Knight, Alan J. First stamps of the Protectorate of Bohemia and Moravia. p. 65.

Stoyel, A Jack. Nazi camps in the Sudetenland during 1938-45. p. 66.

Knight, Alan J. Elusive stamps. p. 68.


Dehn, Roy A. Monografie vol 2. p. 71.

Spong, Colin W. Current philatelic literature [Title varies]. p. 78.



Knight, Alan J. Stamp denominations K, Kč, Kčs. p. 2.

Bradley, J F N. Czechoslovakia – a short history. p. 2.

Wallace, William V. Czechoslovakia. p. 2.

King, Yvonne. Charles bridge. p. 7.

Knight, Alan J. Charles IV - King of Bohemia and Holy Roman Emperor. p. 8.

Spong, Colin W. History of the Czechoslovak Philatelic Society of Great Britain. p. 10.


Spong, Colin W. POFIS katalog 1945-1979. p. 12.

Spong, Colin W. British philatelic handbook. p. 12.

Field, John C W. Matejka, James J Jr. p. 13.

Taylor, Ernest G. Retouches to the General M R Štefánik definitive. p. 14.

Knight, Alan J. In memoriam: Ludvik Svoboda. p. 15.

Gorge, Ernst. Revolutionary overprints on Austrian Stamps. p. 16.

Hornung, Otto. Monographs of Czechoslovak postage stamps. p. 19.


King, Yvonne. First anniversary stamp design contest. p. 24.

Knight, Alan J. Historical bicycles. p. 29.


Vogel, Heinz. Aviation in Czechoslovak philately. p. 34.

Knight, Alan J. Czechoslovak airmails. p. 35.

Spong, Colin W. Ibbotson, Peter. Current philatelic literature [Title varies]. p. 36.

Neubäck, Wilhelm Otto. Scout cancellations in Czechoslovakia. p. 39.

Knight, Alan J. TPO notes. p. 40.

Taylor, Ernest G. Ink and paper varieties of the 1960-63 Floodlit Castle issue. p. 40.

Postal history of the American Expeditionary Force 1917-1923. p. 40.



Pearson, George. George Pearson: an autobiography with philately as its main theme. p. 4.

James, Lindy. List of the days of the exhibition and details of the various handstamps. p. 5.

Knight, Alan J. Titian miniature sheet - Praga 78. p. 7.

Spong, Colin W. Three types of the Švabinský stamp. p. 8.

Herout, E. Discovery of new printing trials of stamps for Czechoslovak postcards. p. 9.

Gorge, Ernst. Skalice issue of Slovakia. p. 10.


Pearson, George. George Pearson: an autobiography with philately as its main theme. p. 3.

Gorge, Ernst. Srobar revolutionary issue of Slovakia. p. 4.

Pettitt, Francis C. Praga 78 Booklets. p. 5.

King, Yvonne. Town hall clock. p. 6.

Pettitt, Francis C. Mikoláš Aleš. p. 9.

Knight, Alan J. Horse racing. p. 10.


POFIS catalogue supplement 1976/77. p. 2.

Taylor, Ernest G. German field post postmarks used in the Protektorat and Slovakia. p. 3.

Spong, Colin W. Heydrich issue of 1943. p. 6.

Knight, Alan J. Intercosmos: first anniversary of the joint flight USSR-CSSR. p. 7.

King, Yvonne. Spong, Colin W. St Vitus Cathedral. p. 8.

Jiránek, Joseph J. Thomas G Masaryk official essays. p. 9.

Santaeugenia Grau, Juan. Overprints of the liberated territory of the Republic of Czechoslovakia, 1939-1945. 2nd Edition. p. 10.


Spong, Colin W. Postage rates. p. 2.

Taylor, Ernest G. German field post postmarks used in the Protektorat and Slovakia. p. 3.

Whiteside, John L. 1925 President Masaryk definitives. p. 6.



Philatelic Literature Review. p. 4.

Tenczar, Thomas M. Check list of Czechoslovakia (sic) town cancels on the stamps of the Austrian Empire (1850-1883). p. 4.

Davis, H C. Davis, P R. Post Hapsburg index. p. 5.

Richet, R. Feldpost Tcheque. p. 5.

Pearson, George. Czecho-Slovak legionnaires. p. 5.

Spong, Colin W. Great Britain and Czechoslovakia: links in history. p. 7.

Rogers, E. 1919 Legionnaire stamps. p. 7.

Pearson, George. George Pearson: an autobiography with philately as its main theme. p. 10.


King, Yvonne. Czech castles. p. 4.

Jiránek, Joseph J. Thomas G Masaryk official essays. p. 6.

Hanak, J. Retouches of the 'Egg' variety on 50h. p. 6.

King, Yvonne. Hana Benešová. p. 8.

Pearson, George. George Pearson: an autobiography with philately as its main theme. p. 10.


Oden, R P. Philatelic vocabulary in five languages. p. 2.

Field, John C W. All up airmail. p. 2.

Knight, Alan J. Joint space flight set 2 March 1978. p. 2.

Spong, Colin W. Hana Benešová. p. 5.

Eaton, L. Pearson, George. Scout issue of 1918. p. 5.

Karásek, Jan. Guarantee marks on Czechoslovak stamps. p. 7.

Pearson, George. George Pearson: an autobiography with philately as its main theme. p. 9.


Page, William Alexander. Praga 78. p. 2.

James, Lindy. PRAGA 78: a personal view. p. 5.

Whiteside, John L. PRAGA 78: a personal view. p. 7.

Sewell, Henry R. PRAGA 78: a personal view. p. 7.

van Zanten, Gerald M. PRAGA 78: a personal view. p. 7.

Doney, John McKay. PRAGA 78: a personal view. p. 7.

Smith, Colin D. PRAGA 78: a personal view. p. 8.

King, Yvonne. PRAGA 78: final comments. p. 8.

Ryan, Gary S. International aspects of collecting Czechoslovak stamps. p. 8.

Knight, Alan J. National costume head dresses. p. 11.

Specialised catalogue of Czechoslovak postage stamps 1978. p. 15.



Votoček, Emil. Czech postmarks from the beginnings to the year 1918: MČZ No. 13. p. 1.



King, Yvonne. National Anthem sheets and their forgeries. p. 3.

Russell, William Leslie. Story of a one-day stamp. p. 6.

Karásek, Jan. Perforations of Czechoslovak Charity stamps of 1919. p. 8.

Wackett, Cyril. Postage Due, error 50h on 50h. p. 10.


Wackett, Cyril. Famous people on stamps: Božena Němcová. p. 2.

Wackett, Cyril. Retouch of the 'Egg' variety of the 50h. p. 3.

Wackett, Cyril. Stamps commemorating the jubilee of the death of Jan Žižka. p. 4.

Kovařík, Frank J. Legionnaire issue of 1919. p. 8.


Wackett, Cyril. Spiral variety of the Hradčany issue. p. 2.

Wackett, Cyril. Agriculture and Science Issue 1923. p. 4.

Marton, J H. 1926-1928 pictorial issues. p. 8.


Dehn, Roy A. Československá overprints. p. 2.



Wackett, Cyril. History of the Czechoslovak Philatelic Society of Great Britain. p. 2.

Wackett, Cyril. Forgeries of Czechoslovakia. p. 5.

Wackett, Cyril. Exhibition at Worthing 1974 cover. p. 10.


Sewell, Henry R. Death of St Wenceslas millenary. p. 3.

Dawson, William A. Czechoslovak Polní Pošta 1938. p. 4.


Pearson, George. Hradčany design of 1918-1920. p. 1.

Pearson, George. Recent discovery of a rare watermark error of 1925. p. 11.

Pearson, George. Tomáš Garrigue Masaryk. p. 12.


Wackett, Cyril. Allegory issues of 1920-25. p. 3.

Wackett, Cyril. Tête-bêche varieties of 1921. p. 3.

Wackett, Cyril. Two types of the 400h value of the Agriculture and Science issue of 23rd June, 1920. p. 4.

Wackett, Cyril. Chainbreaker or Freed Republic design. p. 6.

Wackett, Cyril. Forgeries. p. 13.

Wackett, Cyril. Forgeries. p. 13.

Wackett, Cyril. Dove design. p. 14.