
Covers by a gifted amateur. J Barry Horne. Dec/2000, p. 109.

Covers of interest: Jaroslav Junek designs. Tomáš Morovics. Sep/2001, p. 63.

Postcard of interest: Czechoslovak Catholic mission in France. Brian C Day. Jun/2004, p. 49.

- Czechoslovak Philatelic Society of Great Britain

Exhibition at Worthing 1974 cover. Cyril Wackett. Mar/1975, p. 10.


World War II Thomas Cook undercover mail service between Canada and Norway. Edward Fraser. Mar/2009, p. 8.

Cancelling Devices

Cover of interest: Horni Velkruby. Robert J Hill. Dec/2004, p. 113.

Czechoslovak army in Great Britain and the first regular daily canceller. Vladimír J Králiček. Sep/2008, p. 69.

Nationalized circular date stamps in early Czechoslovakia. Johan Sevenhuijsen. Sep/2015, p. 17.

Slovak area missing cancellers post World War II. Robert J Hill. Jun/2004, p. 55.

- Designers

- - Bartošík, Dolfa. 1907-1989 [Bartosik, Dolfa]

Dolfa Bartošík (1907-1989) designer WW2 Czechoslovak fieldpost commemorative cancellers. William Alexander Page. Dec/1991, p. 94.

Cancels (see Postmarks and Postal Markings.)


- Liberated Theatre Issues

- - Stamps

Unusual recent printing style. Alan J Knight. Jun/1995, p. 38.

Carpatho-Ukraine (see also Jasina Issue.)

70th Anniversary of Carpatho-Ukraine independence. Norman Hudson. Sep/2009, p. 82.

Ukraine, the birth of a modern nation. Serhy Yekelchyk, reviewed by Richard Beith. Sep/2008, p. 67.


Czechoslovak cartophilately. Brian Marshall. Dec/2020, p. 15.

Cash on Delivery

Parcel post in the Czech lands. John L Whiteside. Sep/1988, p. 57.

Castles, Towns, and Views Issues (see Views, Castles, and Towns Issues.)


- 1960-1963

Ink and paper varieties of the 1960-63 Floodlit Castle issue. Ernest G Taylor. Dec/1980, p. 40.

- On Stamps

Czech castles. Yvonne King. Jun/1978, p. 4.


Československo 1918-1939 E catalogue. Miroslav Stefek, Jan Kypast, reviewed by Yvonne Wheatley. Mar/2012, p. 3.

Československo 1918-1992; Česka Republika 1993-1996; Slovenská Republika 1993-1996. Martin Trojan, reviewed by Robert J Hill. Jun/1997, p. 30.

Československo 1945-1992 specializovaný katalog 1997. published by POFIS, reviewed by Brian C Day, Robert J Hill. Jun/1997, p. 31.

New specialized Slovak postal stationery catalogue. Bundesarbeitsgemeinschaft Tschechoslowakei, reviewed by Hartmut Liebermann. Dec/2016, p. 10.

Ocelotisk z plochých desek, poštovní známky a aršiky [Stamps and minisheets printed by recess from flat plates]. Collectors of Czechoslovak Postage Stamps, reviewed by Robert J Hill. Jun/2003, p. 41.

POFIS catalogue of Czechoslovakia 1918-1939. František Beneš, reviewed by Otto Hornung. Sep/1999, p. 57.

POFIS catalogue supplement 1976/77. reviewed by Alan J Knight. Sep/1979, p. 2.

POFIS katalog 1945-1979. Colin W Spong. Jun/1980, p. 12.

Stanley Gibbons catalogue part 5, 1991. Alan J Knight. Mar/1991, p. 4.

Stanley Gibbons catalogue part 5, 1995. reviewed by Colin W Spong. Mar/1995, p. 4.

Stanley Gibbons catalogue part 5, 2002. reviewed by Ian Nutley. Dec/2002, p. 94.

Stanley Gibbons catalogue part 5, 2012. reviewed by Yvonne Gren. Jun/2012, p. 25.

Stanley Gibbons catalogue: amendments suggested. Norman Hudson. Sep/2006, p. 70.

Story of the first Dutch language handbook. Hans van Dooremalen. Mar/2013, p. 19.

- Airmails

Československá letecká pošta katalog 1945-1992. Peter Holm, reviewed by William Alexander Page. Sep/1995, p. 56.

- Bohemia and Moravia

Trojan catalogue Protektorát Čechy a Morava / Slovenský Štat 1939-1945 / Sudety 1938. Martin Trojan, Jaroslav Trojan, reviewed by William A Dawson. Mar/1997, p. 3.

- Booklets

Filatelistický výber 1988 (stamp booklets). reviewed by Alan J Knight. Mar/1992, p. 4.

Specialised catalogue of Czechoslovakian stamp booklets. Ladislaus Kotka, Wilfried Osthues. Mar/1992, p. 4.

- Carpatho-Ukraine

Carpatho-Ukraine a catalogue-checklist. Peter Bylen, reviewed by John-Paul Himka. Sep/1996, p. 58.

Spezialkatalog Karpatén-Ukraine. reviewed by Otto Hornung. Mar/2002, p. 6.

- Postal Stationery

Specialist catalog of Czechoslovak entires 1918-1992. Wilfried Osthues, Ctibor Sobotka, Ladislaus Kokta, translated by Douglas D Baxter. Dec/1994, p. 78.

Specialized catalogue of postal stationery of Bohemia and Moravia. Peter C Rickenback, reviewed by Rex A Dixon. Mar/2001, p. 4.

- Slovakia

New Slovak catalogue 1939-1945. reviewed by Alan J Knight. Sep/1990, p. 74.

Slovakia specialized catalogue 2001. reviewed by Mark Whitehorn. Jun/2001, p. 30.

Trojan catalogue Protektorát Čechy a Morava / Slovenský Štat 1939-1945 / Sudety 1938. Martin Trojan, Jaroslav Trojan, reviewed by William A Dawson. Mar/1997, p. 3.

- Sudetenland

Trojan catalogue Protektorát Čechy a Morava / Slovenský Štat 1939-1945 / Sudety 1938. Martin Trojan, Jaroslav Trojan, reviewed by William A Dawson. Mar/1997, p. 3.

Catastrophic Mail

Covers of interest: catastrophic mail. Tomáš Morovics. Jun/2002, p. 41.

Melbourne-Czechoslovakia 1956 catastrophic mail. Lubor Kunc. Sep/2020, p. 7.

Shipwrecked mail to Czechoslovakia. Norman Hoggarth. Dec/2012, p. 90.

Catholic Mission

Postcard of interest: Czechoslovak Catholic mission in France. Brian C Day. Jun/2004, p. 49.


Cats on Czechoslovak stamps. Valerie Kramer. Sep/2014, p. 11.


Censor markings 1921-1922. Tomáš Morovics, translated by Vladimír J Králiček. Sep/1994, p. 57.

Czechoslovak censorship: the 'Steamboat'. Richard Wheatley. Mar/2020, p. 8.

- Austria

Office for checking foreign mail: Vienna. Karl-Heinz Riemer, translated by Douglas D Baxter. Mar/2003, p. 17; Jun/2003, p. 54; Sep/2003, p. 73.

- Austro-Hungarian

Austro-Hungarian censorship of civilian mail in the Czech and Slovak lands during World War One. Roger Morrell. Jun/2014, p. 17.

- Clearing Houses

By Thomas Cook and Son ltd from Slovakia to England via POB 506 Lisbon. Paul H Jensen. Jun/1991, p. 43.

Post Office Box 506 enclosure slips. contributed by ' Edward Fraser, translated by Myron Fox. Mar/2010, p. 19.

Undercover addresses of World War II. Charles Entwistle, Avril Entwistle. Jun/1992, p. 25.

Undercover addresses of World War II (3rd Edition). Charles Entwistle, reviewed by Colin W Spong. Mar/2007, p. 6; Sep/2007, p. 70.

Via POB 506 Lisbon - a further find. David M Williams. Jun/1992, p. 30.

- Essays

Another World War II find. William Alexander Page. Mar/1998, p. 9.

- German

Introduction to German censorship 1939-45. Charles Entwistle, Avril Entwistle. Jun/1992, p. 25.

- Great Britain

Czech army in exile - UK censor marks. Vladimír J Králiček. Sep/2006, p. 78.

Interesting covers: Jiří Mucha. Brian C Day. Sep/2007, p. 71.

- Prison Mail

Prison mail censorship. Tomáš Morovics. Jun/1990, p. 38.

- World War I

Boxed P.I. and numbered censor marks. Brian C Day. Dec/2002, p. 95.

Postal history of the Ukraine: Austro-Hungarian army in Ukraine censor handstamps 1914-1918. Roman Dubyniak, Peter Cybaniak, reviewed by Richard Wheatley. Sep/2000, p. 62.

- World War II

Censorship of mail entering the German Reich 1939–1945. John L Whiteside. Mar/2003, p. 16.

Civil and military censorship during World War II. H F (Dr) Stich, W Stich, J Specht, reviewed by William Alexander Page. Mar/1994, p. 4.

Czechoslovak army - the return to Europe - some unanswered questions. William Alexander Page. Sep/1985, p. 111.

Czechoslovakia 1938. Tony Moseley. Jun/2009, p. 44.

German censor in Pressburg/Bratislava. Mirko Bachertý, translated by Hartwig Danesch, Douglas D Baxter. Mar/2003, p. 10.

German censorship in Bratislava. John Miskevich. Mar/2003, p. 12.

German civil censorship during WWII. Horst Landsmann, reviewed by Edward Fraser. Mar/2010, p. 3.

Trying to understand the circled R. David Holt. Mar/2009, p. 22.

Ceramics (see also Porcelain.)

- Slovak Ceramics

Slovenska keramica - Slovak Ceramics. Alan J Knight. Mar/1981, p. 47.

Cermak, Anton

Anton Cermak, mayor of Chicago. Garth Taylor. Sep/2022, p. 12.

Chainbreaker Issue

Chainbreaker. Josef Chvalovský, Jiří Kašpar, translated by Mark Wilson, reviewed by Yvonne Wheatley. Mar/2014, p. 30.

Chainbreaker or Freed Republic design. Cyril Wackett. Dec/1975, p. 6.

Colour changes in the Allegories. Yvonne Wheatley. Sep/2021, p. 7.

Czechoslovakia 1920-1923: the five typographic issues. Gerhard Hanacek. Sep/2007, p. 65.

- 25 h

New POD titles. Mark Wilson, reviewed by Yvonne Wheatley. Mar/2021, p. 21.

- 50h

- - Green

- - - Egg Variety

Retouch of the 'Egg' variety of the 50h. Cyril Wackett. Jun/1976, p. 3.

Retouches of the 'Egg' variety on 50h. J Hanak. Jun/1978, p. 6.

- - Red

- - - Headless Chainbreaker

Covers of interest: headless Chainbreaker. William A Dawson. Dec/2000, p. 96.

- Coil Stamps

Allegory stamps in booklet and coil formats. Mark Wilson. Dec/2023, p. 11.

- Counterfeits and Forgeries

Forgeries of Czechoslovak issues. William A Dawson. Mar/1988, p. 6.

Forgeries of Czechoslovakia. Cyril Wackett. Mar/1975, p. 5.

- Tête-bêche [Tete-beche]

Allegory stamps in booklet and coil formats. Mark Wilson. Dec/2023, p. 11.

Tête-bêche varieties of 1921. Cyril Wackett. Dec/1975, p. 3.

Charles Bridge

Charles bridge. Yvonne King. Mar/1980, p. 7.

Charles bridge. Alan J Knight. Mar/1990, p. 2.

Charles IV, Emperor of the Holy Roman Empire. 1316-1378

Charles IV - King of Bohemia and Holy Roman Emperor. Alan J Knight. Mar/1980, p. 8.


Postcard of interest: liberation of Cheb. Robert J Hill, Savoy Horvath. Dec/2005, p. 102.

Child Welfare Issues (see also Masaryk, Thomas Garrigue. 1850-1937. President of Czechoslovakia. 1918-1937 - 1935 - Child Welfare and Birthday of Masaryk.)

- 1974

Unlisted and little known varieties of stamps of CSSR 1945 to-date. Ernest G Taylor. Sep/1983, p. 33.


- Wartime Evacuation Camps

Children's evacuation camps in Bohemia & Moravia. Rex A Dixon. Sep/2014, p. 20.

Cholmondeley Park

Cholmondeley Park restoration of Czechoslovak Army Memorial. Frank Kaplan. Jun/1999, p. 28.

Christmas Issues

- 1990. Village Scene

Czechoslovakia's first Christmas stamp. Alan J Knight. Dec/1990, p. 98.

Churches and Cathedrals

- Brno

- - Sts Peter and Paul Cathedral

- - - 1928

Brno cathedral 1928 and 1929. John David Pring. Jun/2006, p. 52.

- - - 1929

Brno cathedral 1928 and 1929. John David Pring. Jun/2006, p. 52.

- Prague

- - St Vitus Cathedral

St Vitus Cathedral. Yvonne King, Colin W Spong. Sep/1979, p. 8.

Chust Issue

Chust. Robert J Hill. Jun/2004, p. 50.


- Carpatho-Ukraine

Marijka the unfaithful 1934; DVD, directed by V.Vančura. directed by Vlasislav Vančura, Tony Moseley. Mar/2011, p. 5.

Clandestine Mail (see Clearing Houses.)

Clearing Houses

Box 226 - Palestine. Laurie Rennison. Dec/2003, p. 110.

By Thomas Cook and Son ltd from Slovakia to England via POB 506 Lisbon. Paul H Jensen. Jun/1991, p. 43; Jun/1991, p. 43.

Polish exile mail in Great Britain 1939-1949. George K Kay, Ron Negus, reviewed by Edward Fraser. Mar/2009, p. 7.

Post Office Box 506 enclosure slips. contributed by ' Edward Fraser, translated by Myron Fox. Mar/2010, p. 19.

Undercover addresses for free Czechoslovak forces in the UK during World War II. Richard Beith. Jun/2014, p. 16.

Undercover addresses of World War II. Charles Entwistle, Avril Entwistle. Jun/1992, p. 25.

Undercover addresses of World War II (3rd Edition). Charles Entwistle, reviewed by Colin W Spong. Mar/2007, p. 6; Sep/2007, p. 70.

Undercover mail. Edward Fraser. Dec/2008, p. 112; Mar/2009, p. 7.

Undercover mail - box 252. Edward Fraser. Sep/2009, p. 78.

Undercover mail - box 506. Edward Fraser. Dec/2009, p. 96.

Undercover mail - box 601. Edward Fraser. Jun/2009, p. 57.

Update on WW II Thomas Cook undercover mail scheme address: box 601, Amsterdam, Holland. Edward Fraser. Jun/2016, p. 21.

Via POB 506 Lisbon - a further find. David M Williams. Jun/1992, p. 30.

World War II Thomas Cook undercover mail service between Canada and Norway. Edward Fraser. Mar/2009, p. 8.


History of the town hall clock. Robert McLeod. Sep/1998, p. 71.

Town hall clock. Yvonne King. Jun/1979, p. 6.

COD (see Cash on Delivery.)

Coil Stamps (see Chainbreaker Issue - Coil Stamps; Dove Issue - Coil Stamps.)


National cleansing: retribution against Nazi collaborators in post war Czechoslovakia. Benjamin Frommer, Robert J Hill. Jun/2008, p. 37.

Collectors and Collecting

British philatelic handbook. Colin W Spong. Jun/1980, p. 12.

Czech stamps. John David Pring. Mar/1996, p. 13.

Elusive stamps. Alan J Knight. Sep/1981, p. 68.

For beginners: the philately of Czechoslovakia. Phillips B Freer. Mar/1995, p. 4.

International aspects of collecting Czechoslovak stamps. Gary S Ryan. Dec/1978, p. 8.

Looking forward. Peter G Williams. Jun/2005, p. 37.

My stamp on life. Max Stern, reviewed by Robert J Hill. Dec/2003, p. 104.

Philatelic diary 2003. Vladimir Schödelbauer, reviewed by Ludvik Z Svoboda. Mar/2003, p. 5.

Security and insurance for collectables. J Barry Horne. Sep/1994, p. 60.

Some thoughts on plate faults and perforations. Miroslav (Dr) Vostatek, translated by Vladimír J Králiček. Sep/2000, p. 74.

Vzácnosti a zajimavosti československých známek (Rare and remarkable Czech postage stamps). Jan Karásek, William A Dawson. Dec/2000, p. 90.

What's on your bookshelf? Peter G Williams. Mar/2013, p. 11.

- Albums

Compact disc review. Tony Moseley. Jun/2009, p. 39.

- Counter Sheets

Addendum to specialized handbook (1988). Alan J Knight. Dec/1989, p. 108.

- Detecting PVC

Current philatelic literature [Title varies]. Colin W Spong. Mar/1982, p. 81.

Collectors Fair

Collectors fair Prague 2010. Ronald Hollis. Dec/2010, p. 111.

Collector's Fair

Field post exhibition at Prague Postal Museum. Roger Morrell. Dec/2014, p. 10.

Colleges (see Universities and Colleges.)


Colour changes in the Allegories. Yvonne Wheatley. Sep/2021, p. 7.

Commemorative Postmarks (see Postmarks and Postal Markings - Commemorative.)

Commercial Printed Matter

Commercial printed matter. E Skovbo Jensen. Jun/1989, p. 44.

Communist Party

Czechoslovak college. Lubor Kunc, translated by Robert Kingsley. Dec/2001, p. 90.

Concentration Camps

Good news from Dobruška. Yony Moseley. Jun/2019, p. 18.


- Designs for First Anniversary Issue

First anniversary stamp design contest. Yvonne King. Sep/1980, p. 24.

Counter Sheets (see Collectors and Collecting - Counter Sheets.)

Counterfeits and Forgeries

Chust. Robert J Hill. Jun/2004, p. 50.

Československé poštovní známky 1918-1939 a jejich padělky. Jan Karásek, reviewed by Otto Hornung. Mar/1999, p. 9.

Forgeries in the museum. Jan Plachetka, translated by Robert Kingsley. Mar/2005, p. 7.

Forgeries of Czechoslovak issues. William A Dawson. Mar/1988, p. 6.

Forgeries of Slovak state covers. Svätopluk Šablatúra. Jun/2008, p. 44.

- Airmails

First fifty years of Czechoslovak airmails. Roy A Dehn. Mar/1989, p. 7; Jun/1989, p. 31.

- Chainbreaker Issue

Forgeries. Cyril Wackett. Dec/1975, p. 13.

Forgeries of Czechoslovakia. Cyril Wackett. Mar/1975, p. 5.

- Czech Republic

Cheating the post office -- five Czech Republic forgeries. Mark Wilson. Sep/2017, p. 10.

- Experts and Expertization

Letter to the Executive Committee of the Union of Czech Philatelists(SČF). Jun/2004, p. 37.

- Field Post

Fieldpost. Tomáš Morovics. Sep/1994, p. 57.

- - Siberia

Forgery of Czech forces in Siberia. Chris Cordes. Jun/1995, p. 37.

- Hradčany Issue [Hradcany Issue]

Recent Hradčany tête-bêche parcel card fabrication. Johan Sevenhuijsen, Mark Wilson. Dec/2017, p. 26.

- Kalmán Overprint [Kalman Overprint]

Revolutionary overprints of Pardubice. Robert J Hill, Juan Santaeugenia Grau. Jun/2000, p. 36.

- National Anthem Souvenir Sheets

Czechoslovakia: the national anthem sheets and their forgeries. I Hamilton. Mar/1997, p. 8.

National Anthem sheets and their forgeries. Yvonne King. Mar/1976, p. 3.

- Postage Dues

- - 1927. Chainbreaker Issue

- - - 50 on 50h

Postage Due, error 50h on 50h. Cyril Wackett. Mar/1976, p. 10.

- Pošta Československá 1919 [Posta Ceskoslovenska 1919]

Auction notes. Robert J Hill. Dec/2001, p. 106.

Czech type F overprint: an interesting forged setting. Roy A Dehn. Jun/1995, p. 33.

- Provisional Newspaper Stamps

Forgeries of provisional newspaper labels. Tomáš Morovics. Sep/1994, p. 58.

New Czech forgery: forgery of Czechoslovak temporary newspaper stamp and field post cancellation. Lubor Kunc. Jun/2010, p. 38.

- Scout Issue

Forgeries of the Czech Scout issue: a simple guide. Wojciech Kierstan. Jun/2018, p. 11.


More than just a flower. John David Pring. Jun/2007, p. 43.

Tabbed stamps of Czechoslovakia. Roy A Dehn. Dec/1996, p. 84.

Why the difference. Alan J Knight. Jun/1987, p. 21.

Courier Mail

Who is František Nojman? David Holt. Sep/2009, p. 81.

Cover Art

Covers by a gifted amateur. J Barry Horne. Dec/2000, p. 109.

Covers of interest: Jaroslav Junek designs. Tomáš Morovics. Sep/2001, p. 63.

Crash Covers (see Catastrophic Mail.)


Postal rates of Croatia and Srem. Geoff Barling, reviewed by Anthony J Bosworth. Sep/1999, p. 57.

Cultural Anniversaries

- Král, Janko. 1968- [Kral, Janko]

Unlisted and little known varieties of stamps of CSSR 1945 to-date. Ernest G Taylor. Sep/1983, p. 33.


Czech currency. John L Whiteside. Mar/2009, p. 24.

Currency Designations

Stamp denominations - K Kč Ks Kčs. Alan J Knight. Sep/1990, p. 56.

Stamp denominations K, Kč, Kčs. Alan J Knight. Mar/1980, p. 2.

Currency Reform

Currency reform. Yvonne Wheatley. Jun/2019, p. 15.

Czechoslovakia currency reform 1953. Alan J Knight. Mar/1986, p. 4.

Czechoslovakia's currency reform 1.6.1953. William A Dawson. Dec/1990, p. 77.

Sixtieth anniversarry of the 1953 monetary reform. György Lővei. Dec/2013, p. 18.

Czech Army Brigade

Czech army brigade. Francis J Field. Mar/1981, p. 42.

Czech Graphics Union

Czech Graphics Union's typographic technologies and practices as revealed by first republic stamps. Mark Wilson, reviewed by Yvonne Wheatley. Mar/2016, p. 12.

Czech Legion

Czech Legion 1914-20. David Bullock, reviewed by Kenny Morrison. Mar/2010, p. 4.

Czech Legion in France 1914-1918. Geoffrey McAuley. Mar/1994, p. 11.

Czecho-Slovak legionnaires. George Pearson. May/1978, p. 5.

World War I card. William Alexander Page. Jun/2000, p. 47.

- 1934. 20th Anniversary of Formation

Czech druzina and squad nazdar. George E Connolly. Dec/1982, p. 117.

- Art

Czech legions in France and Italy. Kenny Morrison, translated by Robert Kingsley. Dec/2002, p. 109; Mar/2003, p. 7.

Czech National Alliance, London

Postcard of interest; London Czech committee. Brian C Day. Jun/2005, p. 38.

Czech Republic

Historical dictionary of the Czech state. Jiří Hockman. Dec/1999, p. 89; Sep/2003, p. 71.

- Formation from Czechoslovakia

Czech and Slovak Republics - update. Alan J Knight. Mar/1993, p. 5.

Peaceful parting. Chad Neighbour. Dec/1997, p. 84.

Czecho-Slovakia Name Change (see Česko-Slovensko Name Change.)

Czechoslovak Legionnaires (see Czech Legion.)

Czechoslovak Philatelic Society in London

Exhibition of Czechoslovak stamps in London. William Alexander Page. Sep/1987, p. 37.

Czechoslovak Philatelic Society of Great Britain (see also Czechout [Journal].)

40th anniversary cover. Alan J Knight. Dec/1993, p. 91.

40th anniversary dinner. Alan J Knight. Dec/1993, p. 86.

40th anniversary exhibition, 1993. Brian C Day. Dec/1993, p. 87.

History of the Czechoslovak Philatelic Society of Great Britain. Cyril Wackett. Mar/1975, p. 2.

History of the Czechoslovak Philatelic Society of Great Britain. Colin W Spong. Mar/1980, p. 10.

- 2003. 50th Anniversary Exhibition

From the chairman. Lindy Bosworth. Jun/2003, p. 42.

Philatelic exhibition and seminar - the Czech embassy 24-28 October 2003. Robert Kingsley. Dec/2003, p. 100.

- 2013. 60th Anniversary Exhibition

Society's sixtieth anniversary celebrations. Roger Morrell. Dec/2013, p. 9.

- First Zoom Meeting

First open Zoom meeting. Peter Williams. Mar/2021, p. 8.

- Hathern. 2019

CPSGB summer meeting at Hathern. Roger Morrell. Sep/2019, p. 11.

- History

CS. Philatelic Society of Great Britain. Alan J Knight. Sep/1993, p. 54.

- London Dinner

2010 Festival of stamps dinner. Colin W Spong. Jun/2010, p. 34.

- Monograph 23

- - Corrections

Corrections to the description of the 300 haler Type II and III subtypes. Mark Wilson. Mar/2019, p. 7.

- Monographs

How did we get to monographs? Colin W Spong. Dec/2011, p. 78.

- - 3

Amendment to our monograph no. 3 1985. Roy A Dehn, Alan J Knight. Dec/1991, p. 84.

- - 13

Hradčany issue 1918-1920. Robert Bradford, reviewed by Yvonne Wheatley. Mar/2005, p. 5.

- - 14

Liberation of Olomouc. Robert J Hill, reviewed by Derek Baron. Dec/2004, p. 97.

- - 15

Postal history of the free Czechoslovak forces in Great Britain 1940-1945. Richard Beith, reviewed by Garth A (Dr) Taylor. Dec/2005, p. 94.

- - 16

Czechoslovak legion in Poland and in Russia 1939-41, and, Czechoslovaks in the Middle East 1940-43. Vratislav Palkoska, Otto Hornung, reviewed by Ian McQueen. Dec/2004, p. 98.

- - 18

Postal arrangements following the liberation of Prague in May 1945. Robert J Hill, reviewed by Lubor Kunc, translated by Robert Kingsley. Dec/2006, p. 95.

- - 19

Bohemia and Moravia: a collector’s notebook. John N Hammonds, Ronald Hollis, contributed by ' Rex A Dixon, reviewed by Colin W Spong. Mar/2010, p. 4.

- - 21

Carpatho Ukraine postal history and stamps 1786-2000. Jan Verleg. Dec/2007, p. 98.

- - 23

1923 Agriculture and Science Issue: an update to the 300h type III section. Mark Wilson. Mar/2013, p. 12.

- - 25

Compendium of 1944-1945 liberation overprints. Karel Holoubek, translated by Robert J Hill. Dec/2012, p. 74; Jun/2013, p. 25.

- - 29

War hospitals in Brünn during the great war. Hans van Dooremalen, reviewed by Roger Morrell. Mar/2016, p. 7.

- PRAGA 1955

PRAGA 1955 connection to the CPSGB. Lubor Kunc. Mar/2018, p. 22.

- Residential Weekends

2001 Residential weekend in Chester. Richard Beith. Mar/2001, p. 26.

Impressions of a summer weekend meeting. Tony Moseley. Sep/2005, p. 62.

Report of the Society weekend. Rex A Dixon. Sep/2005, p. 60.

Report of the Society weekend 2009 Perth. Colin W Spong. Sep/2009, p. 64.

Residential weekend at Hinsley Hall, Leeds, Friday-Sunday 12-14 September 2003. Colin W Spong. Dec/2003, p. 99.

Society weekend 17-19 October 1997 at Maidencombe. Rex A Dixon. Dec/1997, p. 80.

Society weekend held Friday 1 to Sunday 3 October 1999 at the Manor House Hotel, Leamington Spa. Rex A Dixon. Dec/1999, p. 84.

Society weekend in Worthing 2013. Rex A Dixon. Sep/2013, p. 6.

Society weekend in Worthing 2016. Peter Williams. Jun/2016, p. 5.

Society weekend in York 2011. Tony Hickey. Sep/2011, p. 48.

- Society Display

Society display at the British Philatelic Exhibition October 14-19 1986. William Alexander Page. Dec/1986, p. 38.

- Zoom Meeting

- - 24 April 2021

CPSGB Zoom meeting. Roger Morrell. Jun/2021, p. 7.

Czechoslovak Philatelic Society of Great britain

Report on the joint meeting with the APS. Yvonne Wheatley. Mar/2020, p. 7.

Czechoslovak Philatelic Society of Great Britian

- Monograph 27

Additions to monograph 27. Richard Beith. Dec/2018, p. 18.

Czechoslovak Pilatelic Society of Great Britain

- Monograph 19

From Monograph No, 19: the KLV camps. John Hammonds, edited by Rex A Dixon. Mar/2020, p. 11.

Czechoslovak Specialist [Journal]

21st century index to the Czechoslovak Specialist. Mark Wilson. Mar/2010, p. 5.

- Index

Letters to the editor: Specialist index. Anne G Vondra, contributed by ' Robert J Hill. Jun/2004, p. 34.

Czechoslovak Subjects on Foreign Stamps

French miniature sheet featuring Prague. Michael Chant. Jun/2009, p. 38.


- Dissolution

Czech and Slovak Republics - update. Alan J Knight. Mar/1993, p. 5.

Peaceful parting. Chad Neighbour. Dec/1997, p. 84.

- History (see History.)

Czechoslovakia and Great Britain (see Great Britain.)

Czechout [Journal]

Editorial: changes to Czechout. Mark Wilson. Mar/2013, p. 3.

- Index 1975-2012

Exciting news: website index to Czechout. Mark Wilson. Mar/2013, p. 7.