Member Benefits and Society Services

Meetings Four London meetings in 2023, two in Yorkshire, typically one elsewhere, and five Zoom meetings. See Meetings page for up-to-date details.
Journal Members receive the quarterly journal Czechout which includes articles of interest on Czech and Slovak philately and helps members to keep in touch with Society affairs.
Newsletter Our twice a quarter Newsletter keeps members up to date.
Monographs The Society publishes Monographs on wide-ranging topics containing original philatelic research.
Print on Demand The Society publishes on demand titles and translations of a narrower interest than its Monographs. For instance, a series consisting of twenty-nine books about Czechslovalia's first stamp, the Hradčany.
Library The Society maintains a comprehensive library of books, journals, and reference materials available to UK members only. Postage both ways paid by the borrower.
Auctions Regular auctions with a varied range of reasonably priced items. Prospective vendors should contact the Auctioneer. Members may particiate in sister society's auctions.
Circulating Packets Stamp and postal history packets available to members in the UK only. Apply to the Packet Manager: Contact details published in Czechout.
Free Small Adverts Members are permitted free small adverts in Czechout. Contact Advertising Manager.
Accessories at Trade prices Members may order accessories, album leaves, and philatelic books at a substantial saving. Delivered direct. Contact the Treasurer.
Data Protection Act Members are advised that their details are stored electronically for use on Society business only, e.g. for address label printing.