The Society espouses the philosophy that information should be a free commodity, that interested collectors should be able to access Society publications as openly as possible. To that end it posts access to digital copies of its print-on-demand titles. Click on one on the below titles to view it as a flip-book. Unless stated otherwise, all titles are in A4 format and illustrations are predominately in colour. Reviews of CPSGB print-on-demand titles appear in the on-line index to Czechout under an item’s author. See CPSGB Monographs for further books on this and similar subjects.
To order a printed copy of a print-on-demand book, contact the Hon. Treasurer. Postage and packing not included in the price.
No. 160: The Forerunners in the Initial Independence Period, by Zdeněk Kvasnička (2022) ■ 39 pages, B&W with colour cover. Austrian and Hungarian stamps used between 28 October 1918 and 1919. £15.50, €17.50, $19.50, rate C.
No. 101: The Hradčany, by František Kubát (2006) ■ letter-size, 224 pages, B&W with colour cover. Translation of the Monografie Díl 1 chapter on the Hradčany issue purposely structured as a page-by-page duplicate of the original to facilitate translation of citations to the book found elsewhere. £35, €41, $49, rate F.
No. 148: Census of Territorial Post Offices, by Zdeněk Kvasnička (2008) ■ 36 pages, B&W with colour cover. List of Czechoslovak post office names. £15.50, €17.50, $19.50, rate C.
No. 161: 1919-1920: The Lost Issues, by Jan Karásek, Antonín Michele, and Bohuslav Svoboda (2022) ■ 59 pages, B&W with colour cover. Studies of the Legionářské, Masaryk 1920, Husita, and Red Cross issues. £21, €24, $26, rate C.
No. 162: Masaryk: The Intaglio Issues 1923-1926, by Jan Karásek and František Žampach (2022) ■ 67 pages, B&W mixed with some colour. The introduction of intaglio printing in Czechoslovakia. £21, €24, $26, rate C.
No. 163: Mucha Newspaper Stamps, by František Žampach (2022) ■ 28 pages, B&W with colour cover. The Falcon in Flight issue (1918-1939). £14.50, €16.50, $18, rate C.
No. 164: Newspaper Stamps: 1925-1926 Provisionals, The 1937 Issue, The Bratislava Sheet, by František Žampach (2022) ■ 42 pages, B&W with colour cover. Provisional and the 1937 issue, including the Bratislava souvenir sheet.£13.50, €15.50, $17, rate C.
No. 165: Special Purpose Stamps by Jan Frolík, Jan Karáek, Karel Báha, and Svatopluk Žampach, (2022) ■ 64 pages, B&W with colour cover. Covers airmail, express and personal delivery stamps. £21, €24, $26, rate D.
No. 166: 1919 Postage Due Issue: Original and Overprinted Stamps (Flaw Descriptions Corrected by Johan Sevenhuijsen) by František Žampach, (2023) ■ 44 pages, B&W with some colour illustrations. Covers the original and surcharged issues. £15, €17, $18.50, rate C.
No. 167: 1928 Postage Due Issue by František Žampach, (2023) ■ 24 pages, B&W with colour cover. £11.50, €13, $14, rate C.